
Deep Learning in Telecom: Parting the Sea of Data

91.53 percent of the world population own a phone, including smart and feature phones. As a result, the amount of generated data is mindboggling, close to 2.5 quintillion bytes per day. And this number is set to skyrocket further in 2023 with the rise of IoT. As such, telcos will need a helping hand to […]

The Increasing Challenges of Cybersecurity

While technology is helping organizations optimize their operations through various innovative means, the number of cybersecurity threats companies must deal with has grown. Who hasn’t heard about ransomware, phishing attacks, malware attacks, and such? More importantly, who hasn’t asked the question, what are the challenges in cybersecurity realms? The only thing more valuable than information […]

Telcos in the Metaverse: World Domination

As slow as its development has been, the Metaverse is on its way to greatness. If you are struggling to wrap your head around this concept, here’s another way to think about the Metaverse: it’s a 3D rendering of earth where we, humans, go to live another life emulating the one we already are living. […]

Shape-Shifting Metal: The Liquid Gold of this Era

At this point, the 90s and early 2000 sci-fi movies have scripted the future of technology. Remember the flying cars from “Back to the Future”? And do you remember the shape-shifting metal in T-1000 from “Terminator 2: Judgement Day”? If yes, this innovation may be a déjà vu. In 2015, researchers at China’s Tsinghua University […]

The Digital Silk Route: Echoes of the Past

Mark Twain, the greatest humorist the US has produced, once said that “History never repeats itself, but it does often rhyme.” What’s past is past, but it does come back in a similar but not the same form (i.e., a rhyme). Accordingly, the Digital Silk Route (DSR) is not identical to the traditional silk route, […]

Telecom Events 2022: The Groundwork for a Booming 2023

2022 was a booming year for telecom conventions and events as the world became more comfortable with the new normal set by the COVID-19 pandemic. As a result, everyone was trying to get back into the swing of things. Throughout 2022, several telecom events brought experts and enthusiasts up to speed on what is going […]

Unlocking the Magic of Technology with Digital Inward Dailing (DID)

DID technology is like a magic wand in the world of telecommunication! It’s revolutionizing the way we protect our personal information and network resources. In the current digital era, where cyber threats are rising, DID offers an effective method of confirming user identities. And also ensures that only authorized individuals have access to sensitive information. In the […]

The Future of AI in Telecom Industry: Vision 2030 Edition

2022 ended on a high note for Artificial intelligence (AI) when ChatGPT took the world by storm. But AI was not a game-changer for liberal arts alone. It absolutely took the telecom industry by surprise and had experts redefine and redesign what was already there. In addition, it is also setting Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030 […]

Africa Telecoms: Representation on the Global Stage

Nowadays, every corner of the world exhibits competition between its telecom giants, and the Africa Telecoms industry is no different. However, in the Middle East and Africa (MEA) regions, it is not a competition as much as it is exposure and representation of the community on the global stage. Orange Egypt, MTN, and Safaricom are […]