
AI Traffic Management Is Not an Employment Threat

We are becoming too many. Billions of phone users worldwide generate data, more importantly, create traffic. Telecom operators need help handling such traffic, and AI is here to help. In the current digital age, telecom services are a necessity. Telecommunication is a necessity for all essential services. Telecom companies must make sure their services are […]

Telecom in the Face of Earthquakes

The ground has just dropped beneath your feet. As you desperately try to grasp what’s happening, the rubble is closing in on you. You struggle to reach out for your phone. But it is not there, and It dawns on you. This is how I die.  If the recent devastating events of turkey and the […]

Why the Middle East Won’t Offer Cheaper Social Tariffs

Global economic turmoil has permeated many different industries and of course, telecoms has not been the exception. One way governments try to mediate reality is by providing social tariffs, which offer qualifying customers discounted deals for broadband access, acting as a safety net for those who may be struggling to afford it. However, cheaper tariffs […]

Blockchain Is No Longer a Suggestion

The telecom sector is renowned for constantly evolving. Fixed landlines were the essential Telco product in the early days of the industry. But with the introduction of the mobile phone, this changed to mobile subscriptions and the enormous cash cow that is SMS. Thanks to Blockchain. The telecom industry has a lot of potentials to […]

We Can All Gain a Lot from the Digital World

We can all gain a lot from the digital world. It offers platforms that let us communicate and work together. It creates an opportunity for learning about new, significant topics and fosters innovation in previously unthinkable ways. Getting everyone online and bridging the digital divide calls for a multifaceted strategy. More is needed to offer […]

Starlink, the Global Connection

IEC Telecom, a French satellite service provider, is officially a Starlink satellite internet service authorized distributor for SpaceX. IEC Telecom made a new service portfolio with Starlink capability available for satcom users on Monday, including remote workers, multinational corporations, and maritime organizations. IEC Telecom provides new Starlink land solutions for mobile and fixed deployments. The […]

Data-Driven Decision Making: More Data for Your Decisions

Operators of telecommunications networks produce a ton of data about service users. Given the digital transformation and data-driven initiatives of business clients, this data can offer insights of great value. When this data is shared, it can open up new revenue opportunities and, if done well, give business decision-making a level of agility that was […]

Telecommunication Is Here to Elevate Remote Work

The telecommunications sector is changing due to advances in artificial intelligence, machine learning, and cloud computing. These tools support remote work and communication while boosting output and effectiveness. Telecom services are essential for corporate success and continuity in the modern digital era. They promote workplace flexibility, improve communication efficiency, and help businesses reach customers more […]