In an unprecedented move, the Chilean government and Google have announced plans to construct a 14,800-kilometer subsea fiber optic cable called Humboldt cable . The Humboldt project is a cable that will directly connect Asia, Oceania, and South America. It will connect Sydney, Australia, to Valparaiso, Chile. The Humboldt cable, which has a capacity of […]
For those who are Gen Z and younger, and not living in United States, this question may seem absurd. Of course America isn’t ‘biggest’ or ‘best’ at anything today. The biggest collective ego, maybe. But their economy is only ranked 2nd and 7th in the areas that matter. They no longer have the largest military […]
Scientists in China have successfully had a cloning breakthrough. The rhesus monkey, named ReTro was the one to be clones.
Microsoft's co-founder envisions that artificial intelligence or the AI Revolution will serve a pivotal moment for society in five years.
OpenAI has addressed concerns about its technology potentially impacting election integrity more than 1/3 of the world prepares for polls.
Numerous Mac computer users encountered difficulties with their iMessage accounts while utilizing the iMessage Beeper Mini service.
Apple withdrew its blood-oxygen sensor tech from its Apple watch. This could lead to the possibility of Apple smartwatch health risk.
A research facility under the U.S. Dept of Energy has partnered with Microsoft on a pioneering initiative to slash the lithium reduction.
When science and machine learning technology come hand in hand together it creates new windows for saving lives with the aid of GraphNovo.
Tencent’s announcement yesterday that they intended to take palm scanning mainstream has early adopters swooning about convenience and late adopters frowning about security risks and surveillance. The tech itself was deployed by Kodak forty years ago and companies that use it today include Amazon and duty free retailers in some US airports. But now China-based […]