
Closing the digital divide amid Covid-19

People around the world do not have equal access to the internet. However, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, everything has shifted to the digital space. That’s why prioritizing work on closing the digital divide has never been more essential. A lack of internet connection means that students in rural areas are left behind and vulnerable […]

Keen: a new AI-based social network

Whether its baking cakes, finding a new career or setting up your own studio at home, ‘Keen’ lets you curate the content you love, share your collection with others and find new content based on what you have saved according to a blog post published by the platform founder CJ Adams on June 19, 2020. […]

The ‘other side’ of lockdown live streaming

Live streaming has enjoyed the post-lockdown congratulatory phase where the industry relished in the glow of public approval for the way it has steered itself through the pandemic without missing a beat (almost). However, if this was in any way deserved, then we should also assume responsibility for a less sweet side effect. Live streaming […]

Will social media platforms retain their power?

US President Donald Trump’s War with Twitter has engendered a series of legal moves against social media platforms. In fact, not only is Trump wanting to drop immunity for the online platform but also US lawmakers. The Department of Justice and Trump administration have been urging Congress to limit legal protection enjoyed by these platforms […]

Social media platforms to include more educational content

Social media applications were once thought of as a source of entertainment but have now become an integral part of our daily lives. Platforms have somehow achieved merging the digital and physical worlds with no clear distinction. Our social media accounts are a part of our personal branding and identity and have undoubtedly changed the […]

Priorities shift: IT strategies re-evaluated

As you may already know, the cloud is becoming increasingly popular. However, based on the current crisis, thousands of corporate companies, large and small, across the world, are staring into a business void with around 20 per cent revenue shortfalls. It is becoming the intention of more and more companies to completely change their business models […]

Zoom privacy feature not available for free users

Zoom is trying to upgrade its security and trust at the same time. Audio and Content flowing between Zoom users are end-to-end encrypted. However, in the near future, Zoom will offer an end-to-end encrypted meeting mode to all paid accounts, states the company in a blog post published on May 7, 2020. Founder and CEO […]

Legislation that aims to protect and foster digital innovation

The press of the mouse button, the keystroke, or a computer code are all protected by law. Legally, these are considered as “Intellectual property” including the trademark, patent, and copyright. Intellectual property enforcement is crucial for innovation, development as well as for the economy. In fact, technologies are made public, so other people can build […]

7 attention-grabbing tech facts to know about

1. Former Facebook chief product officer Chris Cox will return after a year-long absence to his previous role at the company, which includes overseeing the main Facebook App, Messenger, Instagram, and WhatsApp. Cox, one of Mark Zuckerberg’s top lieutenants, left in March 2019 over “artistic differences” with the CEO over his plans to make Facebook […]

The not-so-private Incognito Mode

You’ve gone Incognito? Well, you can’t browse privately. On June 2, 2020, a $5 billion lawsuit has been filed to the US District Court for the Northern District of California by a partner at the Boies Schiller Flexner law firm accusing Google of illegally gathering information during users’ private Incognito mode browsing sessions. As this […]