Microrobots Created from Plant-Based Magic

Robots, mini robots, and now microrobots. A group of researchers from the University of Waterloo created soft medical microrobots.
“We are bridging the old and new,” said Shahsavan, director of the Smart Materials for Advanced Robotic Technologies (SMART-Lab). “We introduce emerging microrobots by leveraging traditional soft matter like hydrogels, liquid crystals, and colloids.”
Nowadays, having plant-based diets is not that hard, the options vary between plant-based meats, plant-based cheeses, plant-based milks, and other plant-based products like yogurt and ice cream to bacon and eggs.
So, nothing to be surprised of since the development of such is harnessing on the ongoing transformation of medical microrobots.
How do they look like?
They’re that TINY. “… a maximum of one centimeter long and are bio-compatible and non-toxic. The robots are made of advanced hydrogel composites that include sustainable cellulose nanoparticles derived from plants.”-University of Waterloo
Tiny robots of huge impact!
Although they’re tiny but they have the potential to operate medical procedures, like biopsy, it’s a procedure to remove a piece of tissue or a sample of cells form your body so that it can be tested in a laboratory. – Mayo Clinic
Not to forget the cell and tissue transplantation.
What are the advantages for medicine?!
Plant-based diets have a number of advantages:
- Reducing the risk of chronic diseases: Including heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, and some types of cancer. These kinds of diabetes are mainly lower in saturated fat and cholesterol, and higher in fiber, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.
- Promoting weight loss: This diet helps people who are trying to lose weight. Typically, because they are lower in calories and fat than animal-based foods.
- Supporting immune system: The high source of vitamins and minerals in the plant-based diet is important for fighting off infection. SO, it also helps in reducing inflammation.
The next step… smaller?!
The next step is to size the robot down! From a tiny micro to a submillimeter one.
The more progressed the technology is, the smaller and greater impact the robots are becoming.
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