Search results for "lung cancer"

Lung Cancer Warning System: The First of Its Kind

Recently, AI-related headlines have been mainly along the lines of how the technology will steal our jobs and make our lives difficult. And not to play the devil’s advocate, but aren’t we missing the bigger picture here? Artificial intelligence is much more than what mainstream media is having you believe. In fact, it could be […]

NHS to test advance warning cancer detection to a million people

It’s called the Galleri Test and it can detect 50 different types of cancer. This is already significant because, to date, only 5 types of cancer have a recommended screening test. These are breast, colorectal, cervical, prostate and lung. Yet over 70% of new cancer cases and cancer-related deaths are due to lacking of screening. […]

Sanofi, Regeneron Unveil ‘Blow-Out’ Smoker’s Lung Drug Data

Sanofi’s asthma drug Dupixent met all targets in a trial to treat “smoker’s lung”, potentially adding billions to the French drugmaker’s growth prospects, but also underscoring a heavy reliance on its bestseller. In a late stage trial Dupixent, jointly developed with Regeneron, led to a 30% reduction in moderate or severe acute exacerbations of chronic […]

Roche Sceptical about Investing More in 'Guided-Missile' ADC Cancer Drugs

Roche remains sceptical about investing more in antibody-drug conjugates (ADCs), which have been described as “guided-missile” cancer drugs, even as they attract heightened attention in the pharmaceutical industry. “There are quite a few companies that invest in this area. As for us, we still have rather limited interest,” Chief Executive Severin Schwan told journalists at […]

The Stink of Big Tobacco at Tech CEO Hearings

Live on CNN this weekend was the personification of everything wrong with social media. Mark Zuckerberg. On the twentieth anniversary of Facebook, the founder of Meta attempted to deride his own company’s research. But first he apologized to parents whose children have had mental health issues – some resulting in suicide – then insisted that […]

WHO’s Florence AI: The Smoke Quitting Machine 

Smoking is one of the main reasons leading to premature fatalities. It is a bad habit individuals might pick up, with minor of its addictive tendencies and effect, but they end up with a nicotine addiction. Nicotine is an addictive substance that will have grave repercussions on your body. Cigarettes are riddled with many harsh […]

E-cigarette market to reach $39 billion sales by 2030

While smoking has been a phenomenon for many centuries in human history, e-cigarettes are still in their nascent years, only being introduced in the later part of the 21st century. While its emergence was relatively low, and only used by chain smokers looking for a way out, the explosive rise of JUUL really propelled the […]