Search results for "lung cancer"

Ways that AI is helping the fight against COVID-19

Initial cases of COVID-19 were first declared in December 2019, in Wuhan, China. After four months, the virus has now been diagnosed in 167 countries and almost 140,000 people have died. The impact of the disease throughout the world will have unprecedented consequences for virtually all aspects of the global economy. The world seems to […]

Humanity and produce: The Future of Biotechnology

We humans are curious creatures. If we weren’t we would still be living in caves, if living at all. It is in our nature to pursue answers about the cosmos, why things are the way they are, how they came to be, and endlessly more complex questions.   Among the most baffling questions that keep scientists awake at night is ‘what is life’. The future of biotechnology may hold the answer to […]

New MedTech innovation allows tumors to eliminate themselves

MedTech seems to be reaching a new stride everyday as investments into the sector pour in at an accelerated rate, mainly due to the on-going global health crisis. As such, a new technology has been developed by the University of Zurich (UZH), where researchers have successfully achieved innovation that allows the body to produce therapeutic […]