Breast Cancer Test Delivers Results in 10 Minutes

A new AI-powered breast cancer test by Polish tech company, Ailis care, provides results in 10 minutes without radiation.

A new AI-powered breast cancer test by Polish tech company, Ailis care, provides results in 10 minutes without radiation.

The innovative test, known as Ailis, is currently undergoing clinical trials and aims to offer a more accessible and comfortable screening experience.

The Functional Method of Ailis

Ailis uses a method called functional imaging which measures thermal changes in the breast tissue and around it. Unlike conventional mammograms, which use low radiation doses to obtain high-quality X-ray images, Ailis eliminates radiation exposure entirely. This new approach detects functional, metabolic changes in breast tissue, which often precede visible anatomical differences.

“Our priority was to create an innovative device in which women would want to undergo examinations,” said Michał Matuszewski, the system’s co-creator and CEO of Ailis. “We conducted numerous studies and interviews around the world to gather their expectations.”

Benefits of the New Test

The Ailis test offers several advantages over traditional breast cancer screening methods:

  • No Radiation: Eliminates the exposure to radiation, making it safer for frequent use.
  • Rapid Results: Delivers results in just 10 minutes.
  • Comfortable Experience: Avoids breast compression and provides a calming environment, reducing anxiety.
  • Portable: Potentially allows for more widespread access to breast cancer screening, especially in remote areas.

Integration of AI Technology

The Ailis system incorporates AI-powered image analysis to automatically screen patients and identify those most at risk. This integration of AI enhances the accuracy and speed of the diagnosis process.

Comparison with Traditional Methods

Traditional breast cancer screening methods, such as mammograms and ultrasounds, rely on detecting structural changes in breast tissue. In contrast, Ailis focuses on functional and metabolic changes, which can lead to earlier detection of cancer. Additionally, the non-invasive nature of Ailis makes it more suitable for regular check-ups.

Similar AI Innovations

The UK’s NHS has successfully implemented a similar AI tool called “Mia” to detect breast cancer. Mia has been effective in identifying small tumors that were missed by doctors, showcasing the potential of AI in improving cancer detection rates.

Challenges and Global Goals

Breast cancer remains the most common malignancy and the second-leading cause of cancer death among women. The World Health Organization (WHO) aims for 60% of breast cancers to be detected at early stages to ensure better recovery rates. However, screening in remote and rural areas remains a significant challenge, particularly in developing nations.

Final Thoughts

The Ailis test is a big step forward in breast cancer detection. Using AI and non-invasive methods, it aims to make screening safer, faster, and easier to access. As it develops and is tested more, it could help lower breast cancer death rates worldwide.

AI in healthcare, like with Ailis and Mia, is changing how we find and treat diseases, giving hope for earlier detection and better patient outcomes.

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