Robotic AI for Head Transplants 

BrainBridge, is set to develop a robotic system that is capable of performing head transplants within the next eight years. 

Neuroscience and biomedical engineering startup, BrainBridge, is set to develop a robotic system that is capable of performing head transplants within the next eight years. 

This project has great potential, as it gives new hope for patients, especially those who suffer from untreated illnesses, neurodegenerative disease, paralysis, as well as stage-4 cancer. 

The process of this procedure involves a robotic system that simultaneously removes the head of both the donor and the recipient. It would be guided by AI and real-time molecular -level imaging, ensuring precise reconnection of the spinal cord, nerves, and blood vessels. 

In a video posted on X, the company showcased two autonomous surgical robots conducting simultaneous surgeries on two robotic bodies, removing a head from one and transplanting it onto another. Despite going viral, the video received both positive and negative reactions. 

Overcoming Challenges of Head Transplant 

However, despite its potential, this invention may face many challenges. One of the main challenges is that currently it does not have the capability to fully repair nerves and spinal cord damage. Therefore, BrainBridge is looking for leading specialists in various fields to collaborate on potential solutions. 

Speaking of the challenges that may be faced during the process, Hashem Al-Ghaili, the project lead at BrainBridge, stated they are planning to use high speed robotic systems with the aim to prevent brain cell degradation, ensuring a seamless compatibility between the transplanted head and the donor body. 

Al-Ghaili added that advanced AI algorithms will be used to guide the robots in precisely reconnecting the spinal cord, nerves, and blood vessels, essential for the success of the procedure. 

In addition, the company will employ its proprietary chemical adhesive and polyethylene glycol to assist in reconnecting severed neurons, enhancing the success of the transplant. 

History of Head Transplant 

It is worth mentioning that this kind of transplant is not really new. In 1908, the first head transplant was done on a dog, but was unsuccessful. 

In 1970, Dr. Robert White did a head transplant on a monkey, which lived for eight days but couldn’t move its new body because the spinal cord couldn’t be reconnected. 

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