
Innovative Waste Management Technologies : A Crucial Step for Humankind

Digitalization impacts environmental technology, reshaping how we live, engage, and work. According to the Digitalization Report of the European Topic Center, this advancement has enabled a more effective waste management regime. Reducing the number of raw materials mined or imported, avoiding the environmental and climatic repercussions associated with them. According to the Environment Journal, automated […]

Green Earth Technologies and Their Economic Impact

Green earth technologies have been around for the past two decades. The journey towards a greener and safer tomorrow has begun way before the recent traction. Recent global events have added even more urgency to the matter. In 2019 the volume of investment in green tech capped at almost 9 billion dollars. By 2027 it […]

Disruptive Innovation in the Energy Sector

Disruptive technologies emerged in the energy sectors, rapidly changing the global energy landscape. A technology that creates new business models disrupting the traditional one is referred to as a disruptive technology, as per Clayton Christensen, the man behind the naming. Such disruptive innovation in the energy sector can spark a revolution in technological capabilities, digital […]

Best Energy Efficient Gadgets to Save Electricity

We now have to consider more carefully how we use household appliances, charge our electric cars, and heat and cool our homes due to the rising cost of living. While investing in brand-new smart home equipment may not be the best course of action for everyone right now, there are a number of household items […]

Technology can Sustainably Fight Climate Change

Climate Change has been a conundrum facing Humanity for a long time now. While some like to deny it exists, we should not waste time convincing them. The world needs society to step up and try to salvage our home planet before it is too late. Humanity should sustainably use all the tools it has […]

Mobile Games Publishers Are Scamming You

Mobile games are a medium poorly regulated in the gaming world. The immense accessibility of mobile games makes them perfect for introducing predatory practices. These shady practices will force you to pay real money for the whole game experience. Mobile games publishers introduced the free-to-play business module, a broken and unethical practice aimed to swindle […]

Innovative Tech in the Qatar World Cup

With all its innovation and glory, the Qatar World Cup is almost here. Qatar has branded this world cup edition as one of invention. In many ways, this statement can hold its weight. Some of the technology and aspects of the Qatar World Cup are revolutionary. The Arabic nation will be hosting the FIFA world […]

Environmental Technologies in Saudi Arabia's Future Vision

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) is an economic giant with ample visions and projects. The Kingdom is well known for its massive oil output, but Saudi Arabia has way more to offer. In the future, Saudi Arabia seems to diversify its economic projects and catapult its greener approach. With various visions and initiatives, the […]

WHO’s Florence AI: The Smoke Quitting Machine 

Smoking is one of the main reasons leading to premature fatalities. It is a bad habit individuals might pick up, with minor of its addictive tendencies and effect, but they end up with a nicotine addiction. Nicotine is an addictive substance that will have grave repercussions on your body. Cigarettes are riddled with many harsh […]