Search results for "2024 elections"

Don't Be Too Sure About Deepfake Influencing 2024 Elections

It’s late December and the media are amping up pre-election chatter. The United States, the United Kingdom and India are all going to the polls. It’s the biggest election year in the history of the democratic process. The dominant narrative is, of course, AI. Deepfake video and audio content are threatening to laugh in the […]

Big Tech Guardians of the Truth in Upcoming Elections?

Who’s Kidding Who? We’ve been seeing a lot of media attention recently about OpenAI, Google, Anthropic and Meta putting limits on AI to protect the electoral process this year, so that the ‘will of the people shall be served’ (jeez, I nearly typed ‘severed’ there!). OpenAI will stop its tools from pretending to be human, […]