Search results for "Dubai"

Virtual Cards and Financial Equipoise

The world has seen technology infiltrate almost every sector the world has known, and the financial industry is no different. Traditional banking was getting the job done, and it almost felt like this was how things would be forever. Yet, innovation strikes, and the world is introduced to eclectic solutions to problems consumers never considered, […]

A Strive Toward Cyber Resilient Nations: A Cybersecurity Ecosystem

With the world’s accelerated industrial and technological revolution, countries are increasingly adopting intelligent digital solutions to fortify their frameworks, be it economic, sustainable, or even security. With the world’s interconnection, the fusion of development is amplifying, and with this upsurge, the global embrace of technological means has reached new pinnacles. Technologies such as Artificial Intelligence […]

Metropolis of the Future: Achieving Sustainable Visions

As the world enters a new era, a climate-focused one, technology has proven to be one of the more critical aspects contributing to the fight against climate change with the rise of worldwide sustainable visions. Digital innovations have become, what could be considered, the backbone of every sustainability strategy in the world, and the MENA […]

The IoT Sim and the Drive Forward

The creation of customized SIMS for IoT connectivity was prompted by the demand for new commercial applications and operational models brought on by the expansion of the Internet of Things. IoT SIM cards resemble conventional SIM cards. However, they don’t need a person to use them or activate the device. They frequently work in industrial […]

After Expo 2020: What Have You Missed?

What did you miss following Expo 2020 in Dubai? Exhibitions inspired by history’s greatest cultures, showing everything from rare stones and tapestries to artworks and historical relics, national delicacies and spices, cultural performances, and more, blended with each country’s vision of its own future. The meeting of past and future highlights the wonder of change […]

Samsung MENA Launches the First-Ever Roblox 'Space Cup' Football Tournament

Dubai, UAE, 24 November 2022: In celebration of the much-anticipated football season, Samsung is set to give the MENA region its first-ever Roblox Space Cup tournament in December. Samsung released Space Tycoon, a virtual playground built inside the global Metaverse platform Roblox earlier this year, targeting primarily Gen Z customers to create, play games and share […]