Search results for "tech giant"

Hey European Apple iPhone 12 Users. You’re All Going to Die!

Sacre bleu! The French have all but banned the iPhone 12 because the radiation it, um, radiates is an intolerable .7 watts over the EU standard of 4 watts. Electromagnetic radiation is measured in wattage absorbed by every kilogram of human. Anyway, 4.7 watts is the amount of radiation absorbed by the body when using […]

Apple Disputes French Findings, Says iPhone 12 Meets Radiation Rules

Apple defended its iPhone 12 model on Wednesday, September 13, after a French watchdog ordered a halt to its sales citing breaches of European Union radiation exposure limits. The French move raised the prospect of further bans in Europe. Germany’s network regulator BNetzA said it might launch similar proceedings and was in close contact with […]

Meta Deletes Facebook News Tab in Europe

On September 5th, Meta announced that it would be deleting the Facebook News tab in the UK, France, and Germany in early December. Meta’s move towards deprecation is driven by several factors. According to the company, “News makes up less than 3% of what people around the world see in their Facebook feed.” This implies […]

Despite Overcapitalizing on Podcast Talent Spotify Predicts Profits

The guys at Spotify have learnt the hard way about podcast profitability. They’ve ploughed a billion dollars into building a podcast platform. But they’re still showing a loss. By overcapitalizing on podcasts, they’ve had to reduce their losses in other areas, the primary area being a 2% staff cut. But although posting a loss of […]