Search results for "insta"

The MVNO in the 5G era: The opportunities to be seized

The Ericsson Mobility Report states that 5G mobile subscriptions will exceed half a billion by the end of 2021 — making 5G the fastest adopted mobile generation in history. The 4G rollout taught mobile virtual network operators (MVNOs) that  they must take a more proactive approach if they are to successfully compete with larger mobile […]

Social media's 70-up 'grandfluencers' debunking aging myths

Joan MacDonald’s health was in shambles at age 71. She was overweight and on numerous medications with high cholesterol, rising blood pressure and kidney trouble. Her daughter, a fitness coach, warned that she’d wind up an invalid if she didn’t turn things around. She did, hitting the gym for the first time and learning to […]

EXPLAINER: What is Apple doing with its App Store?

Over the past week or so, Apple has eased some longstanding restrictions that helped make its App Store into a big moneymaker for the company. The company has long required app developers to pay high commissions to Apple on the sales of paid apps as well as purchases of subscriptions or digital items inside their […]

Microsoft’s Windows 11 launches on October 5 with explicit hardware list

Microsoft announced on Tuesday plans to release Windows 11 on October 5th with a free upgrade of the operating system accessible for new hardware that functions with Windows 11 pre-loaded and qualified Windows 10 PCs. Microsoft is stunning its userbase with Windows 11 rollout in an announcement on its blog, revealing that primarily only eligible […]

LinkedIn breaks up with its stories feature

Looks like Twitter isn’t the only one regretting the adoption of the “Stories” feature, as LinkedIn announced on Tuesday that the employment-networking site is booting out its stories option. Stories, comprised of disappearing videos posted and shared by social media users, were first brought to light by Snapchat before global tech giants followed suit. In […]

ANALYSIS: China extends control with online gaming crackdown

Hugely popular online games and celebrity culture in China are the latest targets in the ruling Communist Party’s campaign to encourage the public to fall in line with its vision for a powerful, more wholesome country. The message? Play less, study and work more. Rules that take effect Wednesday cut the amount of game time […]

High-tech gaming options are coming to Google’s Chrome

For the past decade, Google Chrome has embedded itself as the default platform option for the majority of users. However, to Google, Chrome isn’t just a means of viewing websites, it’s the nexus to rapidly advancing tech tools, including gaming.  Google’s Chrome recently launched an updated beta version of Chrome called Beta 94, armed with advanced web standards that’ll transform the browser-based […]

Microsoft’s threat to eliminate Windows 11 updates

Microsoft is threatening to retain certain Windows updates from current copies of its latest OS, Windows 11, should users refrain from downloading and “manually” installing an ISO file, since unsupported PCs will not be privileged to install Windows, security, and driver updates. On Sunday, the software developer announced that it will not prevent users from […]

U.S. Government agencies implement AI-based facial recognition

The U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) report revealed on Thursday that at least 10 governmental agencies such as the Department of Defense and Department of Homeland Security (DHS) implemented facial recognition technology into its systems, disclosing a debatable use of Artificial Intelligence (AI). In a previous report, GAO also publicized how federal agencies acquired useful […]

Korean SKT launches its subscription service ‘T Universe”

South Korean telco SKT announced on Tuesday its plans to create a new subscription service named “T universe” in partnership with e-commerce giant Amazon and popular search engine Google. “T Universe aims to create a new universe of subscription services that benefits both customers and business partners,” said Park Jung-ho, CEO of SKT in a […]