Search results for "security"

New Lineage of Financial Sovereignty: Future of FinTech in the UAE

The world is entering the new age of digital finance, and financial technology is a pivotal element that will help shape the industry’s future. There is no denying that the COVID-19 pandemic played an integral role in altering the UAE’s financial services, going from unconnected traditional ones to becoming a critical and essential factor that […]

Overcoming IIoT Deployment Challenges Through eSIMs

The Missing Link in Industry 4.0’s Connectivity Chain Industry 4.0 has been well and truly explosive for the last decade, and its growth doesn’t seem to be stopping. The Global System for Mobile Communication Association (GSMA) predicts that, by 2025, there will be more than 25 billion Internet of Things (IoT) connections globally. While IoT […]

Japan May Force Big Tech Companies to Disclose Their Algorithms

Big tech companies such as Meta (Facebook), Google, Amazon, Twitter, and others have always tried to keep their algorithms close to their hearts. At the end of the day, these long stretches of code are main contributors to the company’s revenue streams. Whether it is in marketing, advertisement selection, recommendation, search optimization, or other functionalities, […]

How to Check a Suspicious Link Without Opening it?

We are all well aware of the troubles opening a fishy link can lead us to.  Luring users to click on a given link has been of one the well-known techniques to get access to the device, install virus and malware or even go as far as creating a full ransomware attack. To protect your […]

Why the United Kingdom Hates Huawei?

The telecommunications industry is not immune from the political tensions and the war of attrition that has been reigning between China and the USA and other European countries for some time now.  The emergence of Chinese vendor and original equipment manufacturer Huawei as a serious competitor to other vendors and manufacturers has been a notable […]

China Cyberspace Regulator Cracks Down on Counterfeit Investment Platforms

China’s cyberspace regulator said on Friday that it has cracked down on counterfeit investment platforms, as part of the country’s campaign to combat such telecom network crime. The Cyberspace Administration of China (CAC) said it has investigated and cracked down on some 42,000 counterfeit apps since the start of this year, and incorporated them into […]

Why Self-Driving Cars are Still Unsafe?

Car production has been moving from petrol-based cars to electric vehicles with the main aim of fighting climate change by reducing CO2 emissions. The autopilot feature by Tesla in 2014 has been a notable improvement in advanced driver assistance systems taking the autonomy in cars to level 2 on the self-driving car scale out of […]

The Use of AI as a Biometric Age Verification Tool

The world of artificial intelligence (AI) hasn’t stopped surprising us. As AI algorithms are evolving towards the ultimate target of mimicking the learning process in the human brain, increasingly sophisticated applications are emerging. Lengthy procedures, complex operations, and data-intensive decision-making problems are gradually being replaced by AI-based automated paradigms that try to learn from the […]

Where Is Your Data Stored?

Nowadays, it can be quite unfathomable to think of modern technology without somehow associating it to cloud computing. Some of the world’s biggest companies have established a cloud-based business model with a massive capacity to store data, advantaging them to optimize their processes. Data stored in the cloud backed across various sites means they are […]

How To Protect Your Data in 2022?

With the sudden surge in online working and learning, mainly fueled by the latest health events that hit the world population, the number of internet users has increased considerably in the last few years. According to statistics by the international telecommunications union (ITU), the number of internet users increased by 9 percent between 2019 and […]