Search results for "security breach"

Applications of blockchain technology during the pandemic

The potential applications of blockchain technology go far beyond just cryptocurrency. Digital currencies are just the tip of the iceberg of what blockchain can be used for, especially in terms of digital health, and using technology to fight the pandemic. What makes this method much more secure for large-scale data driven operations is that if one block is hacked or tampered with, all the ones that […]

UK plans big fines for online companies over harmful content

Social media and other internet companies face big fines in Britain if they don’t remove and limit the spread of harmful material such as child sexual abuse or terrorist content and protect users on their platforms, officials said Tuesday. Separately, Irish regulators fined Twitter for a data breach, in the first penalty for a U.S. […]

Digitalization becomes make or break for companies in 2021

If there’s anything that the COVID-19 pandemic showcased, it’s the soaring weaknesses that have been swept under the rug by individuals, governments, and businesses for too long. COVID-19’s reach touched many aspects in our everyday lives, from personal medicine, to our understanding of the global economy; changes need to be made, and fast, especially for […]

Charities must be defended against cybercrime

As technology, internet penetration, and digitization are on the rise with the rapid emergence of the fifth generation of mobile networks, it’s fair to say that almost anyone is susceptible to cyberattacks. Charity and non-profit organizations are no exception; with incidents including, funds being stolen, data breaches, phishing attacks, and criminals mimicking charity websites to […]

Finland shocked by therapy center hacking, client blackmail

Finland’s interior minister summoned key Cabinet members into an emergency meeting Sunday after hundreds — and possibly thousands — of patient records at a private Finnish psychotherapy center were accessed by a hacker or hackers now demanding ransoms. Finnish Interior Minister Maria Ohisalo tweeted that authorities would “provide speedy crisis help to victims” of the […]

The importance of OPSEC during COVID-19

Though the origins of OPSEC (Operations Security) began with the military, in our digital age, it encompasses private and public sectors alike. OPSEC during COVID-19 is an especially delicate matter. It refers to the process of assessing and protecting critical, sensitive, or otherwise classified data secure from adversary groups. The difference between OPSEC and InfoSec […]

Florida teen arrested as mastermind of Twitter hack

MIAMI (AP) — A Florida teen was identified Friday as the mastermind of a scheme earlier this month that commandeered Twitter accounts of prominent politicians, celebrities and technology moguls and scammed people around the globe out of more than $100,000 in Bitcoin. Two other men were also charged in the case. Graham Ivan Clark, 17, […]

Cyberattacks target the education sector

Cyberattacks are on the rise. The pandemic has been the cause of much disruption to our daily lives and our shift in behavior – in response to the crisis – has meant a greater dependency on technology. In our time of uncertainty and adjusting to a ‘new normal’, cybercriminals have exploited our vulnerabilities and intensified […]

Twitter: Hack hit 130 accounts, company 'embarrassed'

OAKLAND, Calif. (AP) — Twitter says the hack that compromised the accounts of some of its most high-profile users targeted 130 people. The hackers were able to reset the passwords of 45 of those accounts. The San Francisco-based company said in a blog post Saturday that for up to eight of these accounts the attackers […]