Search results for "big tech companies"

Time to start taking cybersecurity more seriously

Cyberattacks across the world have drastically increased, while most of them don’t dominate headlines – such as the Adobe or Equifax breaches – hackers have targeted companies of all sizes seeing that business digitization is on the rise due to the COVID-19 pandemic. With the world transforming into a data-fueled reality, the risks become larger, […]

BuzzFeed buying HuffPost from Verizon for undisclosed price

BuzzFeed is buying HuffPost from Verizon as part of a bigger deal that has the wireless giant investing in the digital-media company. BuzzFeed and Verizon did not disclose terms of the deal. Verizon will be a minority shareholder in BuzzFeed and the two companies will partner on content and ads. A downturn in advertising due […]

How can telcos capitalize on IoT?

Currently it’s hard for anyone to read tech news, attend webinars, or surf the Internet without the slightest mention of the Internet of Things (IoT) in the mix.  Set to become one of the most disruptive technologies since Vinton Cerf and Bob Kahn’s invention of the World Wide Web, IoT holds so much promise across […]

Kevin Taylor MBE - Indigo Telecom Group Chairman

This year has been a rollercoaster ride for industries far and wide, the most notable being the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on economies, governments, and companies alike. For many, financial numbers and results dipped, projects were cancelled, and investments stopped dead in their tracks as the world’s population took refuge in their homes. While […]

Twitter, Facebook CEOs vow election action; GOP touts curbs

As the CEOs of Twitter and Facebook gave assurances of vigorous action against election disinformation, Republicans at a Senate hearing Tuesday pounded the social media companies over political bias, business practices and market dominance, laying the ground for curbs on their long-held legal protections. Twitter’s Jack Dorsey and Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg defended at the Senate […]

Huawei selling Honor phone brand in face of US sanctions

Chinese tech giant Huawei is selling its budget-price Honor smartphone brand in an effort to rescue the struggling business from damaging U.S. sanctions imposed on its parent company. The sale announced Tuesday is aimed at reviving Honor by separating it from Huawei’s network equipment business, which Washington says is a security threat, an accusation Huawei […]

Blockchain and Telecom Operators

An introduction to Blockchain technology  Blockchain is a system of recording information in a way that makes it difficult or impossible to change, hack, or cheat the system. According to, A blockchain is essentially a digital ledger of transactions that is duplicated and distributed across the entire network of computer systems on the blockchain. […]

Trump bans US investment in Chinese military-linked firms

U.S. President Donald Trump has stepped up a conflict with China over security and technology by barring Americans from investing in companies that U.S. officials say are owned or controlled by the Chinese military. The Chinese government accused Washington of misusing national security as an excuse to hamper competition and warned Friday that Trump’s order […]

Security by design principles: shaping the future of IoT

The main difference between the Internet of Things (IoT) from the traditional Internet is people.  IoT doesn’t rely on human intervention and interaction to function, but rather does so using smart sensors that collect, communicate, analyze and act based on the information it’s processing, which opens waves of value toward businesses.  Simply put, more information […]

The (relay) race is on for CSPs to capture 5G revenue

The most successful relay race teams don’t just have exceptional individual talents, they also bring out the best in one another, offer complementary skills, and execute as a cohesive group. As we look at the current and future opportunities surrounding 5G, CSPs need to take a similar ‘relay race’ approach to select the right team […]