Search results for "big tech companies"

Could AI be the answer to world hunger?

The contributions of recent technological developments toward humanity has characterized this period in history as the best time to be alive. From advancements in the field of medicine, to construction, even reaching the service industry, we have made strides in bettering humanity’s quality of life. But there remains a lot to be done; and the […]

Justice Dept. files landmark antitrust case against Google

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Justice Department on Tuesday sued Google for abusing its dominance in online search and advertising — the government’s most significant attempt to protect competition since its groundbreaking case against Microsoft more than 20 years ago. And it could just be an opening salvo. Other major tech companies including Apple, Amazon and […]

IoT sector prospers amid Covid-19 pandemic

The Covid-19 pandemic has left no stone unturned, heavily impacting most industries into forced slowdowns, projects on pause and has forced companies far and wide to reconsider their practices and business models moving forward. However, the tech sector, specifically related to the Internet of Things (IoT), has massively increased in value and development. Businesses across […]

Intel to sell NAND business to SKorean rival for $9 billion

Intel has agreed to a $9 billion deal to sell most of its memory business to South Korea’s SK Hynix as it moves toward more diverse technologies while shedding a major Chinese factory at a time of deepening trade friction between Washington and Beijing. Intel said it will keep its “Optane” business of more advanced […]

Will startups lead the line of 5G rollout?

Timing has always been the catalyst to many inventions, ideas, businesses and the like; and more often that not, timing is underestimated as a key factor for the success of a startup. In fact, Bill Gross, the founder of Idealab, was stunned by his own research when he found that timing accounts for 42 percent […]

New services created amid video streaming frenzy

The streaming frenzy is currently in full swing as major networks and studios continue to launch their own direct-to-consumer streaming services in 2020, competitors will likely scramble to offer content libraries broad enough to both attract and retain customers. According to a report by Research and Markets, the global video streaming market is predicted to […]

We should be more realistic about 5G

There lies an unprecedented level of excitement shared by many far and wide, across almost all industries worldwide, as the world holds its breath awaiting the rollout of fifth-generation mobile networks. And rightfully so, since 5G will trigger a massive technological revolution on humanity which will affect every aspect of day-to-day life, as well as […]

Has Covid-19 pushed IoT forward?

The sudden outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic has impacted the state of countries, communities, and individuals in more ways than anybody expected; from complete the lockdown of schools to job losses across the board, while not undermining the loss of lives in its wake. And as governments and the private sector scramble to put out […]

2020 racks up highest number of cyberattacks to date

In a year where companies far and wide shifted their business to remote operations due to the Covid-19 pandemic, it comes as no surprise that cyberattacks and data breaches have drastically increased during 2020. According to a report published by Kaspersky there have been almost 726 million confirmed cyberattacks since the beginning of the year; […]

Let me show you: AR’s role in the corporate training world

Think of every Ironman movie you’ve ever watched; notice how Tony Stark goes from one menu to another, from one 3D suit design to another, all of which can be control seamlessly with a simple brush of a hand. That’s Augmented Reality (AR), or what scientists are trying to achieve with it. Defined as the […]