Search results for "apple intelligence"

Casting a wide intrusion net: Dozens burned with single hack

The SolarWinds hacking campaign blamed on Russian spies and the “grave threat” it poses to U.S. national security are widely known. A very different — and no less alarming — coordinated series of intrusions also detected in December has gotten considerably less public attention. Nimble, highly skilled criminal hackers believed to operate out of Eastern […]

Google ends sale of ads using individual web tracking data

Google says it won’t develop new ways to follow individual users across the internet after it phases out existing ad-tracking technology from its Chrome browser, a change that could shake up the online advertising industry. Google says it’s taking the move to protect user privacy. It’s part of a broader shift in the industry as […]

Wearable tech market to more than double in growth by 2026

Over the years, fitness technology has grown from the bulky fridge-like mainframes to the sleek finesse of fitbits, containing more processing power than the computers that put a human on the moon. For context, innovative tech has gone from having a dedicated room to a dedicated pocket, allowing us to work, study and monitor our […]

The year when smartphones dominated

The year 2020 will always be remembered as the year where the world’s population locked itself indoors to ward off COVID-19 pandemic. Last year will also be remembered as the year that smartphones became one of the few tools for communication, playing games, downloading apps and accessing news and information in most countries around the […]

Regulating AI: striking while the iron is hot

Bias has always accompanied us throughout our journey in human history. It has ushered us into safety and steered us away from the potential dangers of the elements surrounding us, be them natural or otherwise. Yet, years, decades, and centuries later, humanity has stumbled into a gigantic faux pas in terms of how we apply […]

IoT and data-driven FinTech look to rock finance to its core

As the Covid-19 pandemic wreaked havoc on businesses, countries, and global economies alike, bringing projects, funding, conferences, and travel to a screeching halt, the tech industry prospered and skyrocketed upwards. Digitization filled the air with everything from education, grocery shopping to remote working from home. The financial services industry, although under extreme pressure to meet […]

Partnerships, expansion & more as telcos heat up 5G race

The race for 5G rollout is on. As humanity edges closer to the fifth generation of mobile networks, the world’s key players that will spearhead this telecoms revolution begins as companies’ team up, while others are shunned and isolated. On the European front, Swedish Ericsson and Finnish Nokia seem to be leading the line. BT […]

5G’s double-edged sword impact on climate change

As the clock ticks closer and closer toward the rollout of 5G worldwide, a new wave of entrepreneurs are frantically thinking of the next multi-billion dollar idea that will drive this rapidly changing era in telecom.   In parallel, many experts from all professions are studying and prepping themselves to integrate 5G within their core business […]

Q&A: What's behind the Twitter Bitcoin hack?

By BARBARA ORTUTAY AP Technology Writer OAKLAND, Calif. (AP) — Hackers broke into the Twitter accounts of world leaders, celebrities and tech moguls on Wednesday in one of the most high-profile security breaches in recent years, highlighting a major flaw with the service millions of people have come to rely on as an essential communications […]