Search results for "IT"

Virtual Worlds Need Virtual Bodies: Digital Avatar in the Metaverse

By now you probably know, at least vaguely, what the Metaverse refers to. A persistent 3D world of 3D worlds interconnected via the internet, verified and established on the blockchain. Interacting on the blockchain means your identity is singular, unique, and unchangeable, except by you. So, in this virtual world, you will, of course, need […]

Smart Cities Sustainable Technologies

Planet Earth, a captivating and bountiful big blue marble, roaming in space. A Terra we call home. Yet, as humans, we tend to have detrimental and catastrophic environmental effects in ways exceeding expectations on our homeland. Effects that elicited disastrous climate issues and urbanization are one of them. This issue prompted the creation of intelligent […]

Tesla Loses $126 Billion in Value Amid Musk Twitter Deal Funding Concern

Tesla Inc lost $126 billion in value on Tuesday amid investor concerns that Chief Executive Elon Musk may have to sell shares to fund his $21 billion equity contribution to his $44 billion buyout of Twitter Inc. Tesla is not involved in the Twitter deal, yet its shares have been targeted by speculators after Musk […]

Mobily: A Unique Strategy to Get Back into Competition

The Saudi telecom market is highly competitive with the existence of three major mobile network operators, STC, Mobily, and Zain KSA and several mobile virtual network operators (MVNO) licensed by the Communications and Information Technology Commission (CITC), the main communications regulatory authority in the KSA. Although each with a different strategy, they have been all […]

West Warns of Russian Cyberattacks on Critical Infrastructure

Western governments jointly warned on Wednesday about a potential threat of increased malicious cyber activity by Russia against critical infrastructure as a response to sanctions imposed as punishment for its invasion of Ukraine. The cybersecurity agencies of the United States, Britain, Australia, Canada and New Zealand – which together form the Five Eyes intelligence-sharing alliance […]

U.S. appeals court will not reconsider California net neutrality ruling

A U.S. Court of Appeals on Wednesday said it will not reconsider its decision in January to uphold California’s net neutrality law. A three-judge panel of the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in January ruled 3-0 that a 2017 decision by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to reverse federal internet protections could not bar […]

Will High Altitude Platforms Become an Integral Part of 6G?

The sixth generation of the in the evolution of wireless evolution promises to be disruptive in terms of the extreme solutions envisioned to meet the projected targets in terms of data rates, latencies, coverage, use cases, etc. The drive to ubiquitous connectivity and ever-increasing capacity requirements have pushed designers to foresee a vertical expansion of […]

How will Twitter's board handle Elon Musk?

Many investors, analysts and investment bankers expect Twitter Inc’s board of directors to reject Elon Musk’s $43 billion acquisition offer in the coming days as inadequate, but how would the social media company then proceed? Twitter shares dropped on Thursday after Musk unveiled his offer, as the market deemed it too low and too thin […]