Search results for "uae"

Is There a Case for the Creation of A New Generation Telco?

Although the industry has never stood still, it has also been simple to implement quick or significant changes within major organizations that use tried-and-true business models and expensive infrastructure to serve hundreds of millions of clients. Telcos must make crucial choices about handling these and other transitions while having time to stay one step ahead. […]

Dubai Metaverse Strategy: Real Steps Toward Virtual Leaps

With its promise to bring forth endless opportunities in social connections, mobility, and intertwining the physical world with the virtual one, the metaverse will open new economic ventures of all scales, and city is riding the wave towards its next technological advancements with the Dubai Metaverse Strategy. The City of Gold announced plans to work […]

Most Successful Telecom Companies in 2022

2022 has been a tumultuous year for the telecom industry. Nevertheless, some companies managed to keep their heads above water and then some. The previous 25 years have seen a revolution in telecommunications, and the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region wasn’t one to sit on the sidelines. Despite certain countries’ reforms being cosmetic, […]

Virtual Cards and Financial Equipoise

The world has seen technology infiltrate almost every sector the world has known, and the financial industry is no different. Traditional banking was getting the job done, and it almost felt like this was how things would be forever. Yet, innovation strikes, and the world is introduced to eclectic solutions to problems consumers never considered, […]

A Strive Toward Cyber Resilient Nations: A Cybersecurity Ecosystem

With the world’s accelerated industrial and technological revolution, countries are increasingly adopting intelligent digital solutions to fortify their frameworks, be it economic, sustainable, or even security. With the world’s interconnection, the fusion of development is amplifying, and with this upsurge, the global embrace of technological means has reached new pinnacles. Technologies such as Artificial Intelligence […]

Metropolis of the Future: Achieving Sustainable Visions

As the world enters a new era, a climate-focused one, technology has proven to be one of the more critical aspects contributing to the fight against climate change with the rise of worldwide sustainable visions. Digital innovations have become, what could be considered, the backbone of every sustainability strategy in the world, and the MENA […]

Economic Vision 2030: Abu Dhabi’s Quest for Economic Ascend

The world is increasing its awareness of technological development’s role in establishing a more robust economic foundation for the upcoming decade. The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is walking the line of digital transformation by preferring new unorthodox means to finally fulfill its ambitious goals of becoming a knowledge-based country. Such intelligent innovation integration will eventually […]

The Burning Need to Update Telecommunications and Network Security

When it comes to cybersecurity, telcos are faced with a wide range of diversity and complexity, including distributed and cloud RAN, Edge and Cloud Core, enterprise and subscriber devices, gateways, hubs, set-top boxes, multi-capacity routers, switches, base transceiver stations, femtocells, and 5G edge gateways. Hacker groups, APT groups and clusters, and malware creators frequently target […]

Noel Moukheiber: A Leadership Promoting Innovation

Payment gateways have become the backbones of the incipient cashless economy, playing an indispensable role in connecting the financial world with consumers. Yet to guarantee the success of such a central division in the economic sphere, having a distinctive sense of leadership is crucial. Noel Moukheiber’s leadership skills are the fuel driving his team’s transformation […]

15 Teams Selected From 11 Countries and 472 Participating Universities Gear up for Huawei ICT Competition Middle East 2022 Regional Finals

Middle East, December 09, 2022: Huawei, a leading global provider of information and communications technology (ICT) infrastructure and smart devices, announced the national finalists who will take part in the Huawei ICT Competition Middle EastRegional Finals 2022, set to take place in Muscat, Oman, on December 20 – 22. Aimed at nurturing ICT talents to […]