Search results for "misinformation"

Facebook's oversight board seeks details on VIPs' treatment

Facebook’s semi-independent oversight board says the company has fallen short of full disclosure on its internal system that exempts high-profile users from some or all of its content rules. Facebook “has not been fully forthcoming” with the overseers about its “XCheck,” or cross-check, system the board said in a report Thursday. It also said it […]

Senator asks Facebook CEO to testify on Instagram and kids

The senator leading a probe of Facebook’s Instagram and its impact on young people is asking Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg to testify before the panel that has heard far-reaching criticisms from a former employee of the company. Sen. Richard Blumenthal, D-Conn., who heads the Senate Commerce subcommittee on consumer protection, called in a sharply worded […]

Facebook plans to hire 10,000 in Europe to build 'metaverse'

Facebook said it plans to hire 10,000 workers in the European Union over the next five years to work on a new computing platform that promises to connect people virtually but could raise concerns about privacy and the social platform gaining more control over people’s online lives. The company said in a blog post Sunday […]

Slain reporter's father takes on Facebook over violent video

The family of a slain journalist is asking the Federal Trade Commission to take action against Facebook for failing to remove online footage of her shooting death. Andy Parker said Tuesday the company is violating its own terms of service in hosting videos on Facebook and its sibling service Instagram that glorify violence. His daughter, […]

How one Facebook worker unfriended the giant social network

Less than two years after Facebook hired Frances Haugen to help correct dangerous distortions spilling across its platform, she had seen enough. The idealism she and countless others had invested in promises by the world’s biggest social network to fix itself had been woefully misplaced. The harm Facebook and sibling Instagram were doing to users […]

Climate change deniers banned from Google and YouTube

For the past decade, a large debate has circulated social media platforms over whether climate change is an actual thing that might reap dire consequences on the world as we know it. While science has stood by climate change, a great number of people still believe none of it exists.  Well, it looks like YouTube and its […]

Ex-Facebook employee bringing sharp criticisms to Congress

A former Facebook data scientist has stunned lawmakers and the public with revelations of the company’s awareness of apparent harm to some teens from Instagram and her accusations of dishonesty in its fight against hate and misinformation. Now she is coming before Congress. Frances Haugen has come forward with a wide-ranging condemnation of Facebook, buttressed […]

Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram suffer worldwide outage

Facebook and its Instagram and WhatsApp platforms are back online after a massive global outage plunged the services and the businesses and people who rely on them into chaos for hours. Facebook said late Monday that “the root cause of this outage was a faulty configuration change” and that there is “no evidence that user […]

Facebook whistleblower comes forward, urges for strong regulations

Frances Haugen, a former Facebook product manager, revealed during an interview with CBS News’ 60 minutes that she’s the one leaking confidential internal documents to media outlets such as The Wall Street Journal.  “The thing I saw at Facebook over and over again was there were conflicts of interest between what was good for the public and what was good for Facebook. And Facebook, over and over again, chose to optimize for […]

Trump taking legal action to get back on Twitter

Almost 8 months following Twitter’s permanent ban of Former President Donald Trump from the platform, the ex-commander-in-chief is pleading his case to a federal judge to bring him back to the micro-blogging site. According to the complaint filed in the Southern District of Florida on Friday, Donald Trump is arguing that Twitter, “coerced by members […]