Search results for "5G technology"

SK telcos scramble to address unhappy 5G customers

As headlines worldwide boast the power and opportunities offered by the rollout of 5G networks, a different reality is being mirrored on the ground.  South Korea, the first country to introduce 5G and one which boasts the largest mobile network, is experiencing customer-related issues across the board due to poor quality, slow connections, and a […]

Partnerships, expansion & more as telcos heat up 5G race

The race for 5G rollout is on. As humanity edges closer to the fifth generation of mobile networks, the world’s key players that will spearhead this telecoms revolution begins as companies’ team up, while others are shunned and isolated. On the European front, Swedish Ericsson and Finnish Nokia seem to be leading the line. BT […]

O2 expands 5G rollout in 100 UK towns & cities

UK operator O2 announced their fifth-generation network expansion plan that will cover over 100 UK towns and cities, a year after they had initially kicked off their 5G rollout.  While partnering with Nordic vendors Ericsson and Nokia for their 5G infrastructure, O2, which is owned by Spanish telco Telefonica, will allow existing customers a refresh […]

CITC becomes KSA’s new 5G regulator

Saudi Arabia’s Communications and Information Technology Commission (CITC) has announced that it will become a 5G network regulator in the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) rankings, as it progresses from a telecom regulator to a digital regulator. “We are one of the most tech-savvy and connected nations in the world and CITC, as the national regulator, […]

Keysight presents new high performance 5G base station test solution

Keysight Technologies, a leading technology company that helps enterprises, service providers and governments accelerate innovation to connect and secure the world, announced a new high-performance 5G base station test solution, based on Keysight’s S9130A 5G Performance Multi-Band Vector Transceiver (VXT), that enables network equipment manufacturers (NEMs) and small cell vendors to accelerate validation of mmWave products according […]

Will startups lead the line of 5G rollout?

Timing has always been the catalyst to many inventions, ideas, businesses and the like; and more often that not, timing is underestimated as a key factor for the success of a startup. In fact, Bill Gross, the founder of Idealab, was stunned by his own research when he found that timing accounts for 42 percent […]

5G and education: prepping the minds of tomorrow

As the 5G reality begins to take shape, all industries across the board are on their way to upgrade their business models, approaches and day-to-day operations accordingly. There is no doubt that 5G will be transformative, however, the bedrock of this technological revolution relies on the minds of people who are able to keep up […]

5G - infinite possibilities and cybersecurity concerns

Articles, videos, podcasts, infographics forecast massive transformation brought about by the rollout of 5G. While there is no doubt that the fifth-generation mobile network will bring about infinite possibilities in every sector and industry, we need to stay grounded on what’s happening in the shadows of such a colossal launch: cybersecurity. The future of wireless […]

Apple unveils new iPhones for faster 5G wireless networks

Apple unveiled four new iPhones equipped with technology for use with faster new 5G wireless networks, hoping that demand for higher data speeds will spark demand for new phones. That might not happen as quickly as Apple would like. In a virtual presentation Tuesday, the company announced four 5G-enabled versions of the new iPhone 12 […]

We should be more realistic about 5G

There lies an unprecedented level of excitement shared by many far and wide, across almost all industries worldwide, as the world holds its breath awaiting the rollout of fifth-generation mobile networks. And rightfully so, since 5G will trigger a massive technological revolution on humanity which will affect every aspect of day-to-day life, as well as […]