Search results for "amazon"

Amazon Web Services Wake-Up Call 

In a temporary setback for Amazon Web Services (AWS), a widespread outage occurred this Tuesday afternoon, affecting a significant number of major websites, including the Boston Globe and New York City’s Metropolitan Transit Authority. The disruption hindered the ability of news organizations to report on the court appearance of former President Donald Trump in Miami, […]

Amazon and Microsoft Cloud Services Face UK Antitrust Probe

Amazon and Microsoft, the two dominant cloud providers, face an antitrust investigation in Britain after the communications regulator said some aspects of the market, including fees to switch supplier, were a cause for concern. Ofcom, which started looking into cloud services last year, said it was particularly worried about the practices of Amazon Web Services […]

Amazon Deepens Tech-sector Cuts by Slashing Another 9,000 Jobs Inc on Monday said it would axe another 9,000 roles to make its operation lean and manage economic uncertainty, marking a new round of job cuts that pile onto the technology sector’s woes. In a remarkable turn for a company long touting its job creation, Amazon will have eliminated 27,000 positions in recent months, […]

Amazon Targets 2024 Launch of First Kuiper Internet Satellites plans to launch its first internet satellites to space in the first half of 2024 and offer initial commercial tests shortly after, the company said Tuesday, as it prepares to vie with Elon Musk’s SpaceX and others to provide broadband internet globally. Amazon’s satellite internet unit, Project Kuiper, will begin mass-producing the satellites later […]