Search results for "cancer"

Breast Cancer Breakthrough: AI can help Remove the Lump in your Throat

I’ve come to understand and respect the anxieties felt by women concerning breast cancer examinations. First, the very reason they’re having the examination. Second, the harmful levels of radiation the mammogram will expose their bodies to, during the test. Third, the accuracy of the test itself. In a report published in The Lancet Journal on […]

NHS to test advance warning cancer detection to a million people

It’s called the Galleri Test and it can detect 50 different types of cancer. This is already significant because, to date, only 5 types of cancer have a recommended screening test. These are breast, colorectal, cervical, prostate and lung. Yet over 70% of new cancer cases and cancer-related deaths are due to lacking of screening. […]

US Declines to Force Lower Price on Cancer Drug Xtandi

The U.S. government will not force Pfizer Inc and Astellas Pharma Inc to lower the price of their prostate cancer drug Xtandi using its emergency “march-in” authority, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) said on Tuesday. March-in rights, which have never been used before, allow the government to grant additional licenses to third parties for […]

Lung Cancer Warning System: The First of Its Kind

Recently, AI-related headlines have been mainly along the lines of how the technology will steal our jobs and make our lives difficult. And not to play the devil’s advocate, but aren’t we missing the bigger picture here? Artificial intelligence is much more than what mainstream media is having you believe. In fact, it could be […]

Roche Sceptical about Investing More in 'Guided-Missile' ADC Cancer Drugs

Roche remains sceptical about investing more in antibody-drug conjugates (ADCs), which have been described as “guided-missile” cancer drugs, even as they attract heightened attention in the pharmaceutical industry. “There are quite a few companies that invest in this area. As for us, we still have rather limited interest,” Chief Executive Severin Schwan told journalists at […]

Cancer Coalition Aims to Boost Access to Medicines in Poorer Countries

Pharmaceutical companies including Novartis and Roche have teamed up with global cancer organisations in an alliance aimed at getting more oncology medications to poorer countries. Currently, fewer than 50% of the cancer drugs on the World Health Organization’s (WHO) essential medicines list are available in low and middle income countries, and the disease burden is […]

MIT announce AI predictive tool for breast cancer

A team of scientists from MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL) and Jameel Clinic (J-Clinic) announced that they had created a breast cancer risk-assessment algorithm that shows consistent performance across patients from the U.S., Europe, and Asia. The researchers said the model needed both algorithmic improvements and large-scale validation across several hospitals to […]