Search results for "tech companies "

Oracle says it will move HQ from Silicon Valley to Texas

Tech giant Oracle Corp. said Friday it will move its headquarters from Silicon Valley to Austin, Texas, and let many employees choose their office locations and decide whether to work from home. The business software maker said it will keep major hubs at its current home in Redwood City, California, and other locations. “We believe […]

The Latest: FDA head expects vaccine emergency use soon

The head of the Food and Drug Administration says his agency has told Pfizer that it “will rapidly work” to grant emergency use of its COVID-19 vaccine following a positive recommendation by government advisers. The FDA decision will kickstart an unprecedented vaccination campaign needed to eventually defeat the virus. The FDA’s greenlight of the vaccine, […]

Addressing the fear of AI in cybersecurity roles

Fear of automation has been present since the first industrial revolution, and as we slowly edge closer toward entering its fourth iteration, that very same fear has lingered and begun to creep up once more. Only now it has cozied up to another worthy ally that could unearth age old fears of job loss: artificial […]

What Digital IDs mean for Telecoms

We have reached a point in our modern society where smartphones and mobile connectivity are essential to perform any task, from the menial to the complex; mobile phones currently represent the device championing digital transformation. Smartphones offer users access to countless services such as banking, insurance, e-commerce, travel, and even transportation, all while laying the […]

Harnessing the power of Big Data

In today’s digital economy, data is king of the hill. Data has transformed into valuable capital that fuels the production of digital goods and services. Just as automakers can’t manufacture new vehicle models without the necessary financial capital, it can’t make its cars autonomous if it lacks the data to feed the onboard algorithms. Data […]

Cybersecurity firm FireEye says was hacked by nation state

Prominent U.S. cybersecurity firm FireEye said Tuesday that foreign government hackers with “world-class capabilities” broke into its network and stole offensive tools it uses to probe the defenses of its thousands of customers, who include federal, state and local governments and top global corporations. The hackers “primarily sought information related to certain government customers,” FireEye […]

Regulating AI: striking while the iron is hot

Bias has always accompanied us throughout our journey in human history. It has ushered us into safety and steered us away from the potential dangers of the elements surrounding us, be them natural or otherwise. Yet, years, decades, and centuries later, humanity has stumbled into a gigantic faux pas in terms of how we apply […]

The future of virtual events post-pandemic

From virtual conferences hosting up to 10,000 people, to weekly meetups on a company or team level, the virtual communication space has seen a surge during the pandemic. What could the adoption and evolution of online communication tools mean for the future of virtual events? The short answer? They will be there. Virtual events boast […]

The pandemic’s hidden digital divide

The current pandemic has really opened our eyes to the importance of interconnectivity. Lockdowns, curfews, and quarantines helped us realize how our progress and prosperity is a function dependent upon one other, and we can clearly see this on an individual-micro level and on a group-macro level (companies, groups, governments). The larger the company, the […]

Germany resists U.S.-fueled Huawei ban

Huawei will remain part of Germany’s future 5G network, reports German business daily Handelsblatt, as the battle for government consensus on telecoms national security has edged in favor of Chancellor Angela Merkel’s favor for close trade relations with China. As reported, the draft bill looks to tighten security measures and protocols on all telecom vendors […]