Search results for "TECHNOLOGY"

Canadian tried in China on spy charges, no verdict announced

China on Friday put on trial one of two Canadians held for more than two years in apparent retaliation for Canada’s arrest of a senior Chinese telecom executive. Canada said its consular officials were refused permission to attend the proceedings against Michael Spavor, who is accused by China of stealing state secrets. Jim Nickel, the […]

Australian police boss suggests app to prove sexual consent

A senior Australian policeman suggested on Thursday a phone app be developed to document sexual consent in a bid to improve conviction rates in sex crime cases. New South Wales state Police Commissioner Mick Fuller said dating apps have brought couples together and the same technology could also provide clarity on the question of consent. […]

Senate confirms Katherine Tai as Biden's top trade envoy

The Senate confirmed Katherine Tai as the top U.S. trade envoy in an overwhelming bipartisan vote on Wednesday . She will be the first Asian American and first woman of color to hold the position. Tai is considered a problem-solving pragmatist, and her nomination by President Joe Biden to be U.S. trade representative drew support […]

White House legal official Tim Wu will put Big Tech under scrutiny

On Feb.  4, Tim Wu, prominent, progressive attorney, sent his last tweet as a private citizen; the next day, the White House announced its decision to place Wu in the National Economic Council (NEC), one of two key advisory boards to President Joe Biden. While Wu has been on board over a month, none of […]

Stripe continues cash haul, now valued at $95 billion

The online payment company Stripe continues to attract investors, raising $600 million in funding to reach a whopping company valuation of $95 billion. Stripe is by far the most valuable private fintech company in the world. Robinhood, the trading platform recently making headlines, just raised $3 billion to reach a valuation of around $11.2 billion. […]

Chinese hacker group attempts to steal 5G secret from telcos, McAfee reports

Cybersecurity researchers at U.S.-based security firm McAfee uncovered Tuesday a cyber espionage campaign targeting telcos around the world attempting to steal 5G technology secrets. According to the McAfee, the hacker campaign – dubbed Operation Dianxun and originating from China – was done using malicious downloads to steal sensitive 5G data from compromised victims, primarily telecoms […]

Google gets into sleep surveillance with new Nest Hub screen

Google’s next internet-connected home device will test whether consumers trust the company enough to let it snoop on their sleep. New sleep-sensing technology will be a key feature on Google’s latest version of its Nest Hub, a 7-inch smart screen unveiled Tuesday. Like the previous generation, the $100 Nest Hub can display pictures and video […]

'It's exhausting.' A year of distance learning wears thin

At first, many schools announced it would last only a couple weeks. A year later, the unplanned experiment with distance learning continues for thousands of students who have yet to set foot back in classrooms. Comfortable homes and private tutors have made it easier for those with access. Expectations are higher at some schools than […]