Search results for "Elon Musk"

It’s time to start regulating AI from within

This year has been a roller coaster ride for the United States, from the emergence and swift spread of the Covid-19 pandemic to dreadful natural disasters, and the ongoing trade war the U.S. has been waging against China. The main headline that has dominated the news and even shaped the narrative of the U.S. presidential […]

2020 racks up highest number of cyberattacks to date

In a year where companies far and wide shifted their business to remote operations due to the Covid-19 pandemic, it comes as no surprise that cyberattacks and data breaches have drastically increased during 2020. According to a report published by Kaspersky there have been almost 726 million confirmed cyberattacks since the beginning of the year; […]

5G giveth, & 5G taketh away: the unemployment problem

Technology has always been ambiguous when it comes to the development of humanity. The printing press. The internet. Electricity. The steam engine. The telegraph. Each of these discoveries and inventions have greatly impacted society as a whole, taking humanity to the forefront of technological development. These innovations are more often than not the catalyst for […]

Tech companies and their response to COVID-19

Major tech companies are donating millions of masks from their stockpile, as well as teaming up with hospitals for sharing and analyzing data and offering their computing abilities to help researchers. Tech companies – small and large scale – are acting as crucial respondents during the pandemic. After getting a lot of shade over the […]

Florida teen arrested as mastermind of Twitter hack

MIAMI (AP) — A Florida teen was identified Friday as the mastermind of a scheme earlier this month that commandeered Twitter accounts of prominent politicians, celebrities and technology moguls and scammed people around the globe out of more than $100,000 in Bitcoin. Two other men were also charged in the case. Graham Ivan Clark, 17, […]

Q&A: What's behind the Twitter Bitcoin hack?

By BARBARA ORTUTAY AP Technology Writer OAKLAND, Calif. (AP) — Hackers broke into the Twitter accounts of world leaders, celebrities and tech moguls on Wednesday in one of the most high-profile security breaches in recent years, highlighting a major flaw with the service millions of people have come to rely on as an essential communications […]

Biden, Gates, other Twitter accounts hacked in Bitcoin scam

Unidentified hackers broke into the Twitter accounts of technology moguls, politicians, celebrities and major companies Wednesday in an apparent Bitcoin scam. The ruse included bogus tweets from former President Barack Obama, Democratic presidential front-runner Joe Biden, Mike Bloomberg and a number of tech billionaires including Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates and Tesla […]

Study: Autonomous vehicles won't make roads completely safe

By TOM KRISHER AP Auto Writer DETROIT (AP) — A new study says that while autonomous vehicle technology has great promise to reduce crashes, it may not be able to prevent all mishaps caused by human error. Auto safety experts say humans cause about 94% of U.S. crashes, but the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety […]

Tech facts you need to know right now

1. The United Kingdom is to review the role Huawei has in its 5G networks. Huawei had previously been given a limited role in providing equipment for the superfast mobile network, but this could now change. 2. Australia’s ‘Covidsafe’ app has faded into insignificance just one month after its launch. The contact tracing app reportedly […]

Tech facts you need to know this week

Facebook announced the first 20 members of its oversight board, which will decide what controversial content is permitted on both Facebook and Instagram. The board will make rulings over what content will be allowed on the social network. Tesla is apparently preparing to restart operations at its factory in California which could be a possible violation […]