Search results for "TECHNOLOGY"

EXPLAINER: How phones can alert you to COVID-19 exposure

More than 8.1 million people in the U.S. have turned their iPhones and Android devices into pandemic contact-tracing tools, but it hasn’t been of much use when their neighbors, classmates and coworkers aren’t on the same system. Apple and Google co-created “exposure notification” technology to alert phone users if they spent time near someone who […]

As hospitals cope with a COVID-19 surge, cyber threats loom

By late morning on Oct. 28, staff at the University of Vermont Medical Center noticed the hospital’s phone system wasn’t working. Then the internet went down, and the Burlington-based center’s technical infrastructure with it. Employees lost access to databases, digital health records, scheduling systems and other online tools they rely on for patient care. Administrators […]

IoT: Tackling the global challenge of food waste

According to the Global Food Losses and Food Waste study, approximately 1.3 billion tons of food produced for human consumption gets lost or wasted per year. When such unfathomable quantities are discarded of in spite of global malnutrition and hunger, we realize the urgency of attaining a sustainable food saving solution. Emerging technologies like AI […]

Regulating AI: striking while the iron is hot

Bias has always accompanied us throughout our journey in human history. It has ushered us into safety and steered us away from the potential dangers of the elements surrounding us, be them natural or otherwise. Yet, years, decades, and centuries later, humanity has stumbled into a gigantic faux pas in terms of how we apply […]

Farouk Tabbal, eSIM Product Manager at Monty Mobile

Tell us more about Monty Mobile’s GSMA-accredited consumer eSIM RSP platform? Monty Mobile instant connectivity platform provides over-the-air capabilities to manage subscriptions on consumer devices that are eSIM supported. It is an essential platform to digitalize the end-user journey. There are a growing number of providers; 200 MNOs have already adopted the eSIM technology while […]

The future of virtual events post-pandemic

From virtual conferences hosting up to 10,000 people, to weekly meetups on a company or team level, the virtual communication space has seen a surge during the pandemic. What could the adoption and evolution of online communication tools mean for the future of virtual events? The short answer? They will be there. Virtual events boast […]

The unlikely champion of Climate Change: 5G

5G has promised to bring many changes to how we lead our lives. Faster speeds, more security, an ecosystem supporting technological innovations, autonomous vehicles, robots, telemedicine, and so much more. However, while fueling the Fourth Industrial revolution, the fifth generation of mobile networks will need to be adopted with a green hand to usher in […]

Epsilon Partners with Aviatrix to Deliver Advanced Multi-Cloud Networking

Epsilon, a global connectivity service provider, has partnered with Aviatrix, a leading cloud network platform, to deliver a multi-cloud service for enterprises. Epsilon Cloud Networking is an end-to-end multi-cloud service with the automation, operational visibility and control that enterprises need to simplify cloud networking. Epsilon customers benefit from features including advanced multi-cloud functionality, enterprise-class networking […]

The pandemic’s hidden digital divide

The current pandemic has really opened our eyes to the importance of interconnectivity. Lockdowns, curfews, and quarantines helped us realize how our progress and prosperity is a function dependent upon one other, and we can clearly see this on an individual-micro level and on a group-macro level (companies, groups, governments). The larger the company, the […]

Online fraud off the charts during 2020

This year has been filled with a plethora of cyberattacks targeting businesses, governments, and individuals across the board, as they take on different shapes and forms, spanning a multitude of industries and sectors. According to U.S.-based software company Arkose Labs, almost 1.1 billion cyber-attacks were detected and halted during 2020 so far, which represent double […]