Search results for "smartphones"

The unstoppable rise of wireless technologies

It comes as no surprise that wireless technologies and solutions have integrated into every fabric of human life as we know it, from shaping our relationships to our worldwide economies. And it’s only going to go up from here. According to a report published by Transparency Market Research (TMR), the global wireless connectivity market is […]

Connectivity in Africa: high broadband and mobile data prices

Internet connectivity is the bedrock of any modern economy; it contributes to a nation’s development, attracts investors, grows a startup ecosystem, bolsters banking sectors, and a plethora of other benefits.  It is literally the fuel that drives nations forward. Even on a consumer level, smartphones help ease our day-to-day lives from the most mundane of […]

Tourism industry looks to AI to champion COVID-19 travel

As the world slips into the second wave of the Covid-19 pandemic, industries are scrambling to find alternative ways to keep businesses afloat as consumer behavior shifts and adapts to a changing norm. As the Covid-19 era hastens the advancement of many technologies, enterprises are looking at tech to help improve business. One of the […]

eSIMs will prove to be the biggest enabler for mass IoT

Years from now, 2020 will be remembered as the year that challenged the norm set forth by humanity for decades. Reality was altered, people were pushed indoors in attempts to shield themselves from the tidal spread of the Covid-19 pandemic. But while people took refuge indoors and economies were tested, the technology field prospered and […]

Huawei sales up, but growth slows under virus, US pressure

Chinese tech giant Huawei, one of the biggest makers of smartphones and switching equipment, said Friday its revenue rose 9.9% in the first nine months of this year, but growth decelerated in the face of U.S. sanctions and the coronavirus pandemic. Huawei Technologies Ltd. gave no sales figure for the most recent quarter ending in […]

Contactless tech deployed in restaurant chains amid pandemic

As we continue adapting to the pandemic, we notice that our needs as consumers are rapidly changing. Not so long ago, standing in-line at a packed fast food chain, waiting to get served, was considered to be the norm in dining experiences; we can evidently see how this scenario can’t be applied in the time […]

Justice Dept. files landmark antitrust case against Google

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Justice Department on Tuesday sued Google for abusing its dominance in online search and advertising — the government’s most significant attempt to protect competition since its groundbreaking case against Microsoft more than 20 years ago. And it could just be an opening salvo. Other major tech companies including Apple, Amazon and […]

Can the NHS COVID-19 app infringe police work?

The National Police Chiefs Council (NPCC) has confirmed officers are being told not to install the NHS COVID-19 app on their work smartphones. The NHS COVID-19 app detects when users have been around or in close proximity to someone that has Coronavirus.  Some of the officers have also been told they may not even need […]

COVID-19 prompts retail innovation

The pandemic has had an extremely influential impact on the way we shop. With a period characterized by lockdown restrictions, mandatory quarantine, curfews, and the closure of many retail stores across the country, the retail industry was left hanging in the balance. However, in these moments of adversity, retailers began shifting their attention to technology […]

The hidden privacy-breaching possibilities of smart cities

There already are smart cities located in different parts of the world. These cities utilize a confluence of sensors, information, and cyber algorithms to better the lives of city residents. The technology used by a smart city presents numerous benefits from the transport sector to the law enforcement division. Sensors at bus-stops can relay information […]