Search results for "Ai work together"

The new frontier of smart farming powered by 5G

A new green revolution is coming our way, and it looks promising as the prospect of 5G comes ever closer within humanity’s grasp. According to a study done by the United Nations, agriculture is a multimillion-dollar industry and one of the largest in the world, accounting for almost 1 percent of GDP in the UK, […]

Google unveils latest Pixel phone, rolls out new TV service

Google will try to make a bigger splash in the smartphone market with a cheaper high-end model while it also aims to expand its presence on bigger screens with a new TV service. The products unveiled Wednesday focus on two areas where Google has struggled to make significant inroads. Google also used a half-hour showcase […]

5G giveth, & 5G taketh away: the unemployment problem

Technology has always been ambiguous when it comes to the development of humanity. The printing press. The internet. Electricity. The steam engine. The telegraph. Each of these discoveries and inventions have greatly impacted society as a whole, taking humanity to the forefront of technological development. These innovations are more often than not the catalyst for […]

The unstoppable rise of the Fourth Industrial Revolution

It’s been two hundred years since the start of the Industrial Revolution where the mechanized manufacturing industry steamed through to bring about mass-produced goods to the market. And now, with 5G on the horizon, the industry will face its biggest and most widespread overhaul to date. The fourth Industrial Revolution, often referred to as “Industry […]

SCF Publishes 5G nFAPI 1.0 Specification to Speed and Simplify Open RAN Small Cell Deployments

London, UK 23rd September 2020 – Small Cell Forum (SCF) today published the first release of the 5G nFAPI 1.0 specification, a highly flexible next-generation network interface which leverages the widely adopted FAPI MAC/PHY API used in the vast majority of the world’s millions of deployed System-on-a- Chip (SoC) based small cells. Following considerable interest in Open RAN […]

Nigel Bayliff, CEO of AquaComms

Based on your many years of experience in the subsea cable industry, what are some of the most prevalent trends? What disruptive trends might affect your operations in the future? The industry has seen a move away from Carrier Consortia towards smaller private consortium models, with one or two carriers. A number of ‘traditional’ system […]

£4m Scottish Government investment to launch 5G innovation hubs to drive economic growth across Scotland

The Scottish Government has today confirmed a £4m funding package to support the establishment of a network of hubs to accelerate the adoption of 5G. The Scotland 5G Centre to launch national network of hubs as announced in the Programme for Government, starting in Forth Valley. The Scotland 5G Centre (S5GC) will today (September 17th, 2020) launch its S5GConnect […]

Quest: smart home healthcare project receives funding

The University of Glasgow has received £5.5 m in new funding from the UK government for the Healthcare Quest project that will tackle the use of smart home technology to support independent living for elderly and disabled people. The money comes as part of a £32 m funding package announced by the Engineering and Physical […]

Malaysia plans to improve 4G LTE before switching to 5G

Aiming to enhance current LTE performance as well as future 5G services, Malaysian mobile operator Celcom Axiata is working with Italian network provider SIAE Microelettronica to implement integrated IP/MPLS services across its wireless backhaul network, according to RCR Wireless. Celcom’s CEO Mohamad Idham Nawawi told The Edge Markets that it is not the time yet […]