Search results for "META"

Political AI: The Ace up Governments’ Sleeves

In the grand scheme of things, artificial intelligence (AI), as it currently is, is still a newborn, a toddler at most. However, its potential power has nations racing to achieve true AI power. As things stand, AI will be as important as many of the usual factors determining where a country sits on the geopolitical […]

Big Tech Earnings Show Digital Ads Market Not Out of the Woods

After a challenging 2022 in which advertising-dependent companies faced shrinking budgets and cratering stock prices, fourth-quarter results this week from Alphabet, Meta Platforms and Snap showed they were not yet in the clear. The health of the advertising industry closely mirrors the economy, and many advertisers have pared back their marketing budgets in response to […]

Human Awareness in the Smart Age

Smart devices have been on the rise since their first appearance around 1966. However, their popularity has gone through the roof in recent years. This peak in popularity is chiefly due to the new era of connectivity and the popularity of TV shows and movies that highlight the usefulness of this technology, such as the […]

Airbus Wants Investors for Next Level Connectivity

Zephyr Goes to Market You’d think the development of an unmanned, solar powered drone capable of flying 21 kilometers above the Earth would be a hush-hush military project. You know the kind. Dreamt up and developed by ‘those freewheeling zealots’ a hundred meters below the Pentagon at Darpa and Skunkworks. Remember them? They invented the […]

U.S. Targets Google’s Online Ad Business Monopoly in Latest Big Tech Lawsuit

The U.S. Justice Department accused Alphabet Inc’s Google on Tuesday of abusing its dominance in digital advertising, threatening to dismantle a key business at the heart of one of Silicon Valley’s most successful internet companies. The government said Google should be forced to sell its ad manager suite, tackling a business that generated about 12 […]

Our New Frenemy: The CO2 Battery

A new carbon dioxide battery (CO2) has entered the energy market. Yes, you did read that right, a CO2 battery, and it might be just what wind turbines are looking for to help them harness the full force of the wind. Carbon dioxide is used in the technology to store heat and pressure energy. It’s […]

Factbox-Tech Firms, Wall Street Lead Job Cuts in Corporate America

Big Tech firms and Wall Street titans are leading a string of layoffs across corporate America as companies look to rein in costs to ride out the economic downturn. Rapid interest rate hikes, weak consumer demand and an economic slowdown in China have forced firms such as Amazon, Walt Disney, Facebook-owner Meta and American banks […]

The Digital Silk Route: Echoes of the Past

Mark Twain, the greatest humorist the US has produced, once said that “History never repeats itself, but it does often rhyme.” What’s past is past, but it does come back in a similar but not the same form (i.e., a rhyme). Accordingly, the Digital Silk Route (DSR) is not identical to the traditional silk route, […]

Power of TikTok and TV Shows over the Music Industry

The impact of social media platforms on the music industry has been a topic of much discussion over the past two years. While this is true, television shows and movies continue to be the main distribution channels for the music industry, with platforms like TikTok helping users (75 percent) discover new music and artists. Television […]