Search results for "new ai"

Chinese chipmaker denies military ties as US steps up feud

BEIJING (AP) — China’s leading maker of semiconductors has denied it has any links to the military following reports Washington is considering stepping up its feud with Beijing over technology and security by imposing export controls that could disrupt manufacturing for a national industrial champion. U.S. regulators are considering adding Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corp. to […]

DIDWW unveils online Porting tool for its growing customer base

DIDWW, the leading telecommunication platform for businesses and professionals, is pleased to expand its popular list of services to provide its growing customer base with a brand new porting tool. The porting process enables end-users to keep their existing telephone numbers when switching between different telecommunication service providers. This is often a much sought after […]

Pentagon reaffirms Microsoft as winner of disputed JEDI deal

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Pentagon on Friday reaffirmed Microsoft as winner of a cloud computing contract potentially worth $10 billion, although the start of work is delayed by a legal battle over rival Amazon’s claim that the bidding process was flawed. “The department has completed its comprehensive re-evaluation of the JEDI cloud proposals and determined […]

Roya Ghafele, Executive Director of Oxfirst

The Supreme Court has held that the English courts do have jurisdiction to determine the FRAND terms of a global license to standard essential patents (SEPs). Tell us more about Standard Essential Patents. What does this ruling mean for SEP holders? The Supreme Court of England and Wales and lower Courts before, have done their […]

COVID-19 research to develop virus-trapping materials

A COVID-19 research collaboration between Virginia Tech and the University of Georgia is taking place to investigate the tendency of the virus to bind to carbohydrate-based polymers, such as heparin. If successful, they could be used to develop virus-trapping gels and surfaces, used in various protective and preventative health products and even diagnostics. In an […]

Survey Reveals Businesses are all in on Wireless WAN

Cradlepoint, the global leader in cloud-delivered LTE and 5G wireless network edge solutions, today released findings from its annual State of Wireless WAN Report, compiled by IDG. The results confirm that the era of Wireless WAN has firmly arrived and is the critical infrastructure in driving innovation, including playing a role in business recovery from the pandemic. The survey findings demonstrate confidence and excitement for 5G, pointing […]

Paratus activates direct Terrestrial Fiber Link from Teraco to Maputo

Pan-African telecommunications company, Paratus has completed a new terrestrial crossing to Mozambique by lighting up a 750km route from Maputo, through Eswatini onwards to Teraco Isand DC in Johannesburg, which is one of Paratus’ many international collocation centres. Says Rolf Mendelsohn, Chief Technical Officer of the Paratus Group: “It has taken months of meticulous planning […]

Facebook curbs political ads - for 7 days before US election

Bracing for a contentious election with no immediate results and possible “civil unrest,” Facebook is enacting a host of measures to ensure its platform is not used to sow chaos and spread misinformation before, during and after the U.S. presidential election. But it’s not clear the changes are enough. The company said Thursday it will […]

COVID-19 and gaming - trends amid the pandemic

According to research, gaming has been on the rise since the start of the pandemic. Shortly after the release of new gaming statistics for the month of June, American market research company NPD Group offers some wider trends for the gaming industry at large. It probably won’t come as a surprise to know that the […]