Search results for "space technology "

Kevin Taylor MBE - Indigo Telecom Group Chairman

This year has been a rollercoaster ride for industries far and wide, the most notable being the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on economies, governments, and companies alike. For many, financial numbers and results dipped, projects were cancelled, and investments stopped dead in their tracks as the world’s population took refuge in their homes. While […]

As the world preps for 5G, China set sights on 6G

As contracts, partnerships, and collaborations are being signed left, right and center by telecoms operators around the world for the swift rollout of 5G networks, China is looking a step further. China has successfully launched what has been described as “the world’s first 6G satellite” into space to test the technology, going into orbit alongside […]

eSIMs will prove to be the biggest enabler for mass IoT

Years from now, 2020 will be remembered as the year that challenged the norm set forth by humanity for decades. Reality was altered, people were pushed indoors in attempts to shield themselves from the tidal spread of the Covid-19 pandemic. But while people took refuge indoors and economies were tested, the technology field prospered and […]

It’s time to start regulating AI from within

This year has been a roller coaster ride for the United States, from the emergence and swift spread of the Covid-19 pandemic to dreadful natural disasters, and the ongoing trade war the U.S. has been waging against China. The main headline that has dominated the news and even shaped the narrative of the U.S. presidential […]

Medical community looks to VR to aid research efforts

As the second wave of Covid-19 infections hit, the medical industry is scrambling to find ways to continue trials and research as the gates of the world begin shutting down once more. Medical research labs far and wide have suspended their studies and kept mission-critical spaces open to resume the fight against the disease. Now, […]

O2 expands 5G rollout in 100 UK towns & cities

UK operator O2 announced their fifth-generation network expansion plan that will cover over 100 UK towns and cities, a year after they had initially kicked off their 5G rollout.  While partnering with Nordic vendors Ericsson and Nokia for their 5G infrastructure, O2, which is owned by Spanish telco Telefonica, will allow existing customers a refresh […]

Will startups lead the line of 5G rollout?

Timing has always been the catalyst to many inventions, ideas, businesses and the like; and more often that not, timing is underestimated as a key factor for the success of a startup. In fact, Bill Gross, the founder of Idealab, was stunned by his own research when he found that timing accounts for 42 percent […]

Embedded finance: the next phase of growth in Fintech

Financial services have always been the nervous system of the global economy, a critical system that must always provide effective and equitable services for social cohesion and enhanced development. While advancements in the Fintech industry have grown tenfold, the legacy 20th century business models in finance have grown out-of-date, with many not even adapting to […]

We must not neglect the ethical concerns of big tech

It is without a shadow of a doubt that ethical scandals in the tech industry have become the norm everywhere; every week, a new story surfaces about how the titans of social media have been breaching the ethical code of its users. However, we need to ask ourselves what “ethical tech” actually means? “Technologies have […]

The hidden privacy-breaching possibilities of smart cities

There already are smart cities located in different parts of the world. These cities utilize a confluence of sensors, information, and cyber algorithms to better the lives of city residents. The technology used by a smart city presents numerous benefits from the transport sector to the law enforcement division. Sensors at bus-stops can relay information […]