Search results for "space technology "

4 Coronavirus-fighting technologies being pushed today

Governments, people and enterprises are constantly seeking new ways to mitigate the spread of the COVID-19 virus. In recent months, investments in Coronavirus-fighting technologies have skyrocketed, and so has their profitability as both public and private sectors show keen interest in using tech solutions. Of course, technological advancement doesn’t just come out of nowhere – […]

We should be more realistic about 5G

There lies an unprecedented level of excitement shared by many far and wide, across almost all industries worldwide, as the world holds its breath awaiting the rollout of fifth-generation mobile networks. And rightfully so, since 5G will trigger a massive technological revolution on humanity which will affect every aspect of day-to-day life, as well as […]

Microsoft attempts takedown of global criminal botnet

Microsoft announced legal action Monday seeking to disrupt a major cybercrime digital network that uses more than 1 million zombie computers to loot bank accounts and spread ransomware, which experts consider a major threat to the U.S. presidential election. The operation to knock offline command-and-control servers for a global botnet that uses an infrastructure known […]

Li-Fi Market anticipated to exceed $8Bn by 2030

Global Market Insights, Inc., predicts that the overall Li-Fi market size is poised to exceed USD 8 billion by 2030, subject to the light fidelity technology’s mounting applications across indoor networking, healthcare, aerospace, underwater communication, automotive, and other sectors. A sudden upsurge in internet usage owing to massive proliferation of smartphones globally has enabled the […]

5G and the public sector: a plethora of change awaits

A person residing in a rural area is in dire need of surgery, and the nearest hospital is 100 Km away; the alternative? They check into a remote surgical facility close to home, in parallel, a surgeon conducts the operation via robot from his office in the city, and then provides the family with post-op […]

Let me show you: AR’s role in the corporate training world

Think of every Ironman movie you’ve ever watched; notice how Tony Stark goes from one menu to another, from one 3D suit design to another, all of which can be control seamlessly with a simple brush of a hand. That’s Augmented Reality (AR), or what scientists are trying to achieve with it. Defined as the […]

Global Fintech: Japan’s NEC buys Swiss Avaloq for $2.2 billion

Japanese tech giant NEC buys Swiss Avaloq, Europe’s largest banking software developer, for 2.05 billion Swiss francs ($2.2 billion), the company said in a statement issued on Monday. “NEC will be placing great importance on building long-term relationships with Avaloq and its customers and aims to create new solutions that combine Avaloq’s software with NEC’s […]

KSA's Neom mega-city: From sand dunes to flying taxis

“A start-up the size of a country,” is how Saudi Arabia’s futuristic mega-city Neom is being described by Saudi officials, investors, contractors and the like. The city will take up a whopping 10,000 square miles of rocky desert and empty coastline in the country’s remote northwest Tabuk province, where the kingdom will look to attract […]

Nigel Bayliff, CEO of AquaComms

Based on your many years of experience in the subsea cable industry, what are some of the most prevalent trends? What disruptive trends might affect your operations in the future? The industry has seen a move away from Carrier Consortia towards smaller private consortium models, with one or two carriers. A number of ‘traditional’ system […]

Pudong and Hongqiao Airports are expected to have 5G connectivity in November

China has been working seriously on including 5G initiatives as part of the aviation infrastructures. “Digitalization is a new value-growth point of the whole aviation industry”, said Xu Jun, vice president of Asia-Pacific OEMs of Honeywell Aerospace, according to Xinhuanet. On August 24, 2020, The Shanghai Airport Authority signed an agreement with Shanghai branches of […]