Search results for "cancer"

Will 5G Kill Me? When Telecom Politics Become a Deadly Sin

5G is undeniably the talk of the moment, much more in the business corridors and governmental strategies, than in the telecom community. This does not come as a surprise since 5G with its promising capabilities paves the way to a myriad of new business use cases and digital transformation opportunities. 5G and the trend in wireless network […]

Best Tech Inventions of the 21st Century that will Transform our World

We can envision the future by observing the present and making predictions about the future of humanity based on the technologies that are getting the most attention today. In the first half of the 21s century, we are already seeing the advancement of world-changing technologies that will shape the centuries ahead of us. Here is […]

Exclusive - Global Health Tech Platform, Proximie Digitizes Operating Rooms

Digitizing operations and diagnostic rooms have become necessary as the world accelerates its pace to accommodate the global shift towards digitalization. Digital transformation in healthcare has become one of the main pillars driving innovation in the health sector. It creates a robust foundation that will positively impact technology on human lives. Proximie, the global health […]

WHO to Deliver Africa with COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Tech

The World Health Organization (WHO) announced that the six African countries would obtain technology to tool them with the needed means to produce their own COVID-19 vaccines. In an effort to minimize global reliance on vaccine manufacturing from companies outside the continent, the WHO added Egypt, Tunisia, Kenya, Nigeria, Senegal, and South Africa would have […]

Moderna Begins Late-Stage Study of RSV Vaccine Using mRNA Technology

Moderna Inc said on Tuesday it had begun a late-stage study of its vaccine for Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) based on the same technology used to develop its COVID-19 shots. The only approved product using messenger RNA (mRNA)is COVID-19 vaccine, but Moderna and rival Pfizer are rushing to tap the potential of the technology to […]

Germans Pin Hopes on Novavax Moving the Needle Among Anti-Vaxxers

Benedikt Richter, a 40-year-old teacher in the southwest German city of Kaiserslautern, long held out against getting vaccinated against COVID-19. He felt uneasy about the novelty of the mRNA technology used in two of the most commonly administered shots. It did not help that his sister-in-law was hospitalised with heart muscle inflammation a day after […]

New Australian plant could make 100 million vaccines a year

Australia’s government said Tuesday it plans to start making mRNA vaccines at home with a new plant that could produce up to 100 million doses each year. The announcement came as coronavirus cases in Sydney and surrounding areas jumped, driven in part by the omicron variant. The new factory would be built in Victoria state […]

Humanity and produce: The Future of Biotechnology

We humans are curious creatures. If we weren’t we would still be living in caves, if living at all. It is in our nature to pursue answers about the cosmos, why things are the way they are, how they came to be, and endlessly more complex questions.   Among the most baffling questions that keep scientists awake at night is ‘what is life’. The future of biotechnology may hold the answer to […]

British computing inventor Clive Sinclair dies at 81

Clive Sinclair, the British inventor and entrepreneur who arguably did more than anyone else to inspire a whole generation of children into a life-long passion for computers and gaming, has died. He was 81. Sinclair, who rose to prominence in the early 1980s with a series of affordable home computers that offered millions their first […]

Vaccine maker BioNTech to use mRNA tech to target malaria

Pharmaceutical company BioNTech said Monday that it wants to use the mRNA technology behind its coronavirus vaccine to target malaria. The Germany-based company, which developed the first widely approved coronavirus shot together with U.S. partner Pfizer, aims to begin clinical trials for a “safe and highly effective malaria vaccine” by the end of next year. […]