Search results for "pharma"

US offers investment to boost global COVID vaccine capacity

Pressed to address gaping inequality in global COVID-19 vaccines, the Biden administration took steps Wednesday to make billions of dollars available to drugmakers to scale up domestic production to share with the world and prepare for the next pandemic. Under the new initiative, the government’s Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority is soliciting pharmaceutical companies […]

The Future of Machine Learning and Quantum Computing

Since the rise of the fourth industrial revolution, digital innovation acted as one of the main pillars for global evolution, the future of machine learning with various tech companies adopting algorithm-based artificial intelligence (AI) will heighten the industry’s universal value. Artificial intelligence and machine learning are both associated as they are the most adopted technologies to […]

Brazil's awaited 5G tender yields billions in investment

Brazil held its much-anticipated auction for build-out of the nation’s fifth-generation wireless network on Thursday, with the open question of whether China’s Huawei telecommunications company will be involved. The technology promises faster speeds, less lag when connecting to the network and the ability to connect more devices to the internet. But the ambitious auction also […]

UK becomes first country to approve oral pill treating COVID-19

The UK’s medical regulator approved on Thursday the first oral pill treating COVID-19 developed by U.S.-based pharmaceutical companies Merck, Sharp and Dohme, and Ridgeback Biotherapeutics, with the government ordering 480,000 courses due for delivery in November. The pill, called Molnupiravir, will be administered to those recently diagnosed with the virus twice a day. The pill […]

Humanity and produce: The Future of Biotechnology

We humans are curious creatures. If we weren’t we would still be living in caves, if living at all. It is in our nature to pursue answers about the cosmos, why things are the way they are, how they came to be, and endlessly more complex questions.   Among the most baffling questions that keep scientists awake at night is ‘what is life’. The future of biotechnology may hold the answer to […]

U.S. intel warns China could dominate advanced technologies

U.S. officials are issuing new warnings about China’s ambitions in artificial intelligence and a range of advanced technologies that could eventually give Beijing a decisive military edge and possible dominance over health care and other essential sectors in America. The warnings include a renewed effort to inform business executives, academics and local and state government […]

VEON’s Beeline and Leading Medical Institute Join Forces to Redefine Future of Medical Diagnostics Through AI

VEON Ltd. (NASDAQ: VEON, Euronext Amsterdam: VEON), a leading global provider of connectivity and internet services, announced on October 12, that its mobile operator in Russia, Beeline, has signed an agreement with Sechenov University to create an Artificial Intelligence (AI) Laboratory for research and development into new technology solutions for healthcare, aiming to simplify and accelerate high-precision diagnostic.  The new AI Laboratory will see data scientists and doctors collaborate on research and development of predictive medicine solutions in traumatology and oncology. Over 120 professionals from Beeline and Sechenov […]

Vaccine maker BioNTech to use mRNA tech to target malaria

Pharmaceutical company BioNTech said Monday that it wants to use the mRNA technology behind its coronavirus vaccine to target malaria. The Germany-based company, which developed the first widely approved coronavirus shot together with U.S. partner Pfizer, aims to begin clinical trials for a “safe and highly effective malaria vaccine” by the end of next year. […]