Search results for "COVID-19 "

Edge Computing in the wake of the Pandemic

With the pandemic constantly challenging us to put our best tech forward, we hope to have lived up to the challenge, and maybe even more. COVID-19 really demonstrated how fast we can breathe life into new ideas and technologies that are already proving their value and worth. A significant challenge that the pandemic has brought […]

IoT Impact: The pandemic propeller effect

With the advent of the pandemic, we notice some its laminating effects on technologies that are on the rise. More optimistically, we can begin to see the silver lining COVID-19 has had on technologies – more specifically the positive impact on the Internet of Things (IoT). The year 2020 will set out to be a […]

TOT, CAT merge to form National Telecom, 2 decades later

Thailand’s state-owned telecommunications operator TOT has finally completed a long-awaited merger with CAT Telecom, which aims to become one of the top three mobile service provider in the country by the end of the year. Under the merger, the company has rebranded itself as National Telecom (NT) and will look to capitalize on overlapping administrative […]

DR to launch 5G services in 2021

The Dominican Republican is anticipated to launch 5G services during 2021, with the government planning to begin a multi-spectrum tender during the second week of January making it the second country in Latin America who pushes for 5G.   President Luis Abinader said the 5G network will represent a “great step forward” in terms of […]

How will the pandemic in 2021 be different?

We have been living with COVID-19 for about a year now, and we will continue to do so for a while longer. But just as the virus has evolved to adapt, survive, and spread, so has the rest of the world. This begs the question, how will the pandemic in 2021 be any different? what […]

Global telecoms industry lost $43 billion in 2020

While people, companies, and governments around the world leaned on connectivity to keep the lights on, many expected that the global telecoms industry would be riding high and mighty during one of the hardest years humanity has ever faced. Contrary to that, the reality of the situation is much bleaker than many could imagine. Telcos […]

Mohanned Alosta, CEO of Libyana Telecom

How has Libyana handled the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic? What were the main challenges? And how were they met? The COVID-19 pandemic has deeply impacted the entire world, we, at Libyana, faced challenging issues on both the service providing and operation sides; however, we find ourselves in the right direction facing all of them. […]

Three crucial lessons startups learned during the pandemic

Supply and demand are basic concepts in business. Startups and the workforce that fuels them are quite aware that a business must provide value to their customers if they are to continue and grow, and this truth has never been more clear than in the past year as we learned during the pandemic. But what […]

Germany experiences vaccine delays

Coronavirus vaccine delays were experienced in several German cities after temperature trackers showed that about 1,000 units of the shot manufactured by BioNTech and Pfizer were not kept in a cold enough temperature during transit. A spokesperson for the district of Lichtenfels, northern Germany said that medical staff revealed that the temperature logs recorded a […]

The Latest: Ariz. gov. rejects call for online learning

PHOENIX — Arizona’s Gov. Doug Ducey has rejected the state’s top education official’s call for Ducey to order public schools to use only online instruction for the next two weeks unless they have waivers from health officials. Amid a coronavirus surge in the state, Superintendent of Public Instruction Kathy Hoffman said Saturday that schools need […]