Search results for "cloud"

The digital disruptions that are changing the world

Disruptions are a welcome break in almost all the industries around the world; however, some disruptions can indeed be catastrophic, but as every coin has two sides, it also brings great opportunities. The digital disruptions brought by the global pandemic has created a difficult situation for a few but there are several institutions that took […]

Worldwide IT spending to reach $3.9 trillion in 2021, Gartner forecasts

The worldwide COVID-19 pandemic caused dips in many industries, affecting everything from investments to supply chain as the global population took refuge within the safety of their own homes throughout the majority of 2020. However, many have noted that 2021 will be different, as numerous vaccines have mushroomed all over the world to kickstart the […]

Russian hack of US agencies exposed supply chain weaknesses

The elite Russian hackers who gained access to computer systems of federal agencies last year didn’t bother trying to break one by one into the networks of each department. Instead, they got inside by sneaking malicious code into a software update pushed out to thousands of government agencies and private companies. It wasn’t surprising that […]

Newzoo’s Games Trends to Watch in 2021

As 2020 is finally drawing to a close, it’s time for us to turn the spotlight onto next year. In terms of trends, 2021 is shaping up to be a hugely positive year for the games market, which will start to return to normalcy after an exceptional growth period. In the coming weeks, we’ll publish […]

AI to shape telecom investments in 2021

As the world came to a screeching halt due to the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic, the tech world adopted a full steam ahead approach This has rapidly pushed technological advancements to the forefront. Everything from augmented reality (AR), Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence (AI), 5G, and the like were propelled forward and began integration within […]

Michel Robert, CEO of Epsilon

Tell us about your partnership with Aviatrix to provide the latest multi-cloud networking service? We recently partnered with Aviatrix to deliver our own multi-cloud solution. It’s an end-to-end multi-cloud service running on Epsilon’s global network with the automation, operational visibility and control that enterprises need to simplify cloud networking. Epsilon Cloud Networking addresses the real […]

The gaming industry’s widespread success in the era of Covid-19

Gaming has changed significantly over the years; and massively so during the novel COVID-19 pandemic. Not many industries can look back at 2020, wipe the blood, sweat, and tears off their faces and say “okay, the worst is behind us.” Even less so, are the industries that didn’t just survive during a bustling year full […]

Pandemic Winners, Losers, and the Underdog

As our society reflects in agony upon the devastation caused by the pandemic, one can’t help but examine the direct effects of this deadly virus on our daily work in offices and closed rooms. This reflection also leads us to the big question: which companies remained standing on boxing ring? It’s safe to say that […]

GM teams up with Microsoft on driverless cars

General Motors is teaming up with Microsoft to accelerate its rollout of electric, self-driving cars. In the partnership announced Tuesday, the companies said Microsoft’s Azure cloud and edge computing platform would be used to “commercialize its unique autonomous vehicle solutions at scale.” Microsoft joins General Motors, Honda and other institutional investors in a combined new […]

Cybersecurity firm: Booting hackers a complex chore

Efforts to assess the impact of a more than seven-month-old cyberespionage campaign blamed on Russia — and boot the intruders — remain in their early stages, says the cybersecurity firm that discovered the attack. The hack has badly shaken the U.S. government and private sector. The firm, FireEye, released a tool and a white paper […]