Search results for "insta"

Digitalization of Banking in the UAE

The current digital transformation in the UAE banking sector is thriving. What we are witnessing today is more than just a simple change in how we make transactions; it goes well beyond simply transitioning from a traditional into a digital world. This entire concept of digital transformation strategy in banking is integral to how banks […]

Facebook's Growth Woes in India: Too Much Nudity, Not Enough Women

On Feb. 2, when Meta Platforms reported Facebook’s first-ever quarterly drop in daily users, its finance chief identified higher mobile data costs as a unique obstacle slowing growth in India, its biggest market. On the same day, the U.S. tech group posted the findings of its own research into Facebook’s business in India on an […]

Exclusive-U.S. Probes China's Huawei over Equipment Near Missile Silos

The Biden administration is investigating Chinese telecoms equipment maker Huawei over concerns that U.S. cell towers fitted with its gear could capture sensitive information from military bases and missile silos that the company could then transmit to China, two people familiar with the matter said. Authorities are concerned Huawei could obtain sensitive data on military […]

Impact of Technology in Politics: The Internet and Democracy

The potential effects of new information and communication technologies (ICTs) on democratic processes have resulted from the exponential growth of the Internet. Taking into consideration the complexities of democratic administration and the historical ramifications of the digital era, the debate’s scope concerning the impact of technology in politics is astonishing. What is the Impact of […]

Solar-Powered EV Charging Stations to Alleviate Range Anxiety

Could solar-powered EV charging stations be able to supply electric vehicles with the energy they need? They may very well be. That appears to be the main finding of a study carried out by a group of scientists from Oregon State University. Casey L. Steadman and Chad W. Higgins, the researchers, looked at the viability […]

How Technology is Steering us Towards Digital Totalitarianism

Social media, the internet, and other digital tools, which were once hailed as great forces for human empowerment, connectivity, and liberation, have quickly come to be seen as a serious threat to democratic stability and human freedom. Social media platforms are demonstrating the potential to exacerbate risks such as authoritarian privacy violations, partisan echo chambers, […]

Is Cryptocurrency Legal in India?

Whether making Cryptocurrency legal in India or not is still up for debate, but the Supreme Court asked the government to be very clear about its position. The national government is drafting a bill to control cryptocurrencies and other digital assets in India. In the Union Budget 2022, Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman announced that the […]

Amid Mobile Operator Price Increases, Here’s How to Avoid the Hike

Feeling the Pinch? The rising cost of living is difficult to avoid. April 2022 saw food prices increase by 6.7 per cent, the highest petrol prices on record and inflation rise to a staggering nine per cent. As millions of customers see their mobile tariffs soar, Ross Slogrove, UK country manager at cloud calling specialist Ringover reveals […]

Microsoft – Activision Blizzard Deal Faces Antitrust Probe in the UK

Mergers, acquisitions, and partnerships have been lately considerably increasing in numbers. The notably fast evolution in technology has pushed big technology companies (techcos) and most recently telecom companies (telcos) to look for avenues to spearhead the competition into adopting emerging concepts and practices. The scale of such events and the significantly large amounts spent in […]

Distorting Reality of Sexual Abuse in the Metaverse

As a virtual world, the Metaverse is bound to witness such inappropriate occurrences. Again, I need to highlight this one more time; the issue is not really the Metaverse here; it is more the people using it and the companies developing it and their inability to protect their users. Sexual abuse in the Metaverse cannot […]