Search results for "insta"

Self-Driving Truck Company TuSimple to Use Nvidia Chips for Autonomous Computing

TuSimple Holdings Inc on Tuesday said it has partnered with Nvidia Corp to use the company’s vehicle chips to design and build an advanced autonomous driving computer for its self-driving trucks. The computer, known as a domain controller in the automotive industry, will be specifically engineered for TuSimple’s commercial self-driving trucks, and will power sensor […]

Biggest Cyberattacks of 2021

2021 came, and with it came the wave of emerging technologies in various sectors, be it medical, sustainability, blockchain technology, and much more. And while 2021 wasn’t as intense as its predecessor, the year still brought with it some challenges that were quite an ordeal to overcome, or even avoid, for that matter. With this […]

How Doomscrolling shaped the path of the future

COVID-19 came, and with it came the reshaping of human habits. We went from constantly checking our phones for entertainment purposes to the endless scrolling for news updates, be it pandemic-related, politics, or any kind of news that would deliver a higher clarity to where the world was going. November 19, a date will be […]

India's first rural 5G trial begins at Gujarat's Ajol

India’s first 5G technology trials for rural broadband began at Ajol village in the state of Gujarat with a base transceiver station (BTS) installed 17km away at Unava town in the Gandhinagar district. As such, the team which involved officials of the department of telecom (DoT) and executives from two private telecom operators were able […]

Russian court slaps Google, Meta with massive fines

A Moscow court on Friday slapped Google with a nearly $100 million fine and also fined Facebook’s parent company Meta $27 million over their failure to delete content banned by local law, as Russia seeks to step up pressure on technology giants. The Tagansky District Court ruled that Google repeatedly neglected to remove the banned […]

Beijing tightens tech policies for abroad listing

Beijing is planning to further tighten its grip on its tech sectors as its intensified its tech policies and regulations for overseas listing for China rising tech start-ups. China’s months-long regulatory campaign on its tech titans has left companies craving the sellout of their stakes abroad in order to register with the proposed guidelines by […]

In Africa, rescuing the languages that Western tech ignores

Computers have become amazingly precise at translating spoken words to text messages and scouring huge troves of information for answers to complex questions. At least, that is, so long as you speak English or another of the world’s dominant languages. But try talking to your phone in Yoruba, Igbo or any number of widely spoken […]

EXPLAINER: What caused Amazon's outage? Will there be more?

Robotic vacuum cleaners wouldn’t start. Doorbell cameras stopped watching for package thieves, though some of those deliveries were canceled anyway. Netflix and Disney movies got interrupted and The Associated Press had trouble publishing the news. A major outage in Amazon’s cloud computing network on Dec. 7 severely disrupted services at a wide range of U.S. […]

Switzerland expedites to the U.S. Russian Businessman with Kremlin ties

On Monday, the Justice Department announced the extradition of Russian businessman Vladislav Klyushin to the U.S. from Switzerland for charges in an insider trading scheme to infiltrate U.S. computer networks. The owner of the Russian company, M-13, Klyushin, is charged with four others for potentially hacking into significant publicly traded U.S. firms to access earnings […]