Search results for "ai systems"

Microsoft soon to implement Xbox in-game ads

According to Business Insider, Microsoft is working on an ad program that will allow firms to advertise through Xbox in-game ads. According to those familiar with the endeavor, one of the ways adverts could appear in these games is as through digitally produced billboards in racing games. However, it is as of yet unclear how exactly Microsoft expects to […]

Will High Altitude Platforms Become an Integral Part of 6G?

The sixth generation of the in the evolution of wireless evolution promises to be disruptive in terms of the extreme solutions envisioned to meet the projected targets in terms of data rates, latencies, coverage, use cases, etc. The drive to ubiquitous connectivity and ever-increasing capacity requirements have pushed designers to foresee a vertical expansion of […]

Best Tech Inventions of the 21st Century that will Transform our World

We can envision the future by observing the present and making predictions about the future of humanity based on the technologies that are getting the most attention today. In the first half of the 21s century, we are already seeing the advancement of world-changing technologies that will shape the centuries ahead of us. Here is […]

5G and Standalone Networks: The Unstoppable Duo Fuelling the 4.0 Paradigm

Standalone networks are key to unlocking new use cases Telcos and consumers are well-versed in the high-capacity, low-latency, high-speed connectivity benefits of 5G for the consumer market. What’s lesser known is that businesses can also unlock greater value with the rise of 5G standalone (SA) technology to access the increased levels of reliability, speed and […]

What Are Browser in the Browser Attacks?

Last month, the cybersecurity circle buzzed with a new attack denoted as browser in the browser (BitB) attack. Phishing attacks in general and browser attacks, in particular, have been known for some time now. So what are browser in makes this new discovery so dangerous? What are Phishing and Man-in-the-Middle Attacks? Phishing attacks have been […]

Best Tech Stock to Buy Right Now

Nowadays, investing is perceived as a new means to make money to be set aside while hustling through your 9 to 5 job with the hope of building wealth. The concept itself of paying out a certain amount with the anticipation of gaining more money throughout time is tempting. For that reason, it is of […]

How IoT and WoT are Related 

It is not clear to most how IoT and WoT are related as the words internet and web are often used interchangeably. However, they are not the same thing and have extremely different applications on different scales.  The internet of things (IoT), as we have covered extensively on Inside Telecom, refers to connected devices. Simply […]

Li-Fi: Is It Better Than Wi-Fi? And Proper Substitute?

Wireless Fidelity, or simply Wi-Fi, standardized under IEEE 802.11, revolutionized the way we connect and access the internet. It allowed ubiquitous connectivity and a declining dependence on wired Ethernet connections and modems. Wi-Fi has become an integral part of our life with our houses, workplaces, leisure centers, even public transportation facilities, among others, equipped with […]