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Tech Toys for Millionaires 

Welcome to the realm of the fabulously rich, where mere mortals dare to dream but only billionaires can play. Get ready to embark on an exhilarating journey through a world of excess, extravagance, and jaw-dropping price tags. It’s time to discover the most outrageously expensive items and tech toys that only the privileged few can […]

Big Tech's Motives in Africa: Development or Data Extraction? 

Tech Companies in Africa Must Prioritize Development and Responsible Data Practices: You’re sitting in a bustling café, surrounded by people engrossed in their smartphones, laptops, and other gadgets. The world around you is becoming increasingly digital, and Africa is no exception. But have you ever wondered why Big Tech giants like Google, Facebook, and Amazon […]

IoT’s Convergence With Telehealth. Are Your Records Safe?

You wake up feeling under the weather, plagued by a persistent cough and a soaring temperature. Instead of trudging out of bed, getting dressed, and driving to the doctor’s office, what if you could consult a healthcare professional right from the comfort of your home? Sounds convenient, right? Well, my friend, welcome to the world […]

Apple Controlling the Innovation Narrative as Usual

Apple has long been known for its iterative approach to product development, continuously refining and enhancing its devices with each new iteration. As the highly anticipated iPhone 15 Pro Max is on the horizon, how will this approach influence its sales in the fiercely competitive smartphone market?  The Iterative Approach: Building on Success  Apple’s iterative […]