Artificial Intelligence

China Regulator Says Alibaba, Tencent Have Submitted App Algorithm Details

China’s top internet watchdog said on Friday tech giants such as Tencent Holdings and Alibaba Group have submitted details of algorithms used in some of their products, complying with a drive by authorities to tighten oversight of platform algorithms. The rules are part of a broad regulatory crackdown by Beijing against its once free-wheeling technology […]

Midjourney AI: Discord-based AI Art Generator 

Artificially intelligent internet bots can now produce extremely realistic-looking photographs almost instantly, with the best contender in the space being Midjourney AI.   AI and intelligent software have advanced recently, particularly in the areas of art, design, and photography. Even Google is working on a cutting-edge AI system that can produce hyper-realistic graphics using only simple […]

How Can a DevOps Team Take Advantage of AI 

The phrases development and operations are combined to produce the term “DevOps,” which refers to a cooperative or shared approach to the duties carried out by a company’s application development and IT operations teams. With the ubiquitous use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) nowadays, how can a DevOps team take advantage of […]

Racism in Facial Recognition Technology

Facial recognition is everywhere, even if we are not aware of it. In its most abstract form, this innovation is surrounding us and keeping track of every move, fueled by one thing, face recognition technology algorithm. But can algorithms discriminate? What if algorithms used in artificial intelligence (AI) are simply beneficial as the data adopted […]

Soccer-Semi-Automated Offside Technology Approved by FIFA for 2022 World Cup

Semi-automated offside technology will be used at this year’s World Cup, promising decisions that are more accurate and a lot quicker, world soccer’s governing body FIFA said on Friday. In what can be considered an extraordinary development in the officiating of the game, technology will be able to resolve contentious offside calls with a speed […]

It's Alive! How Belief in AI Sentience is Becoming a Problem

AI chatbot company Replika, which offers customers bespoke avatars that talk and listen to them, says it receives a handful of messages almost every day from users who believe their online friend is sentient. “We’re not talking about crazy people or people who are hallucinating or having delusions,” said Chief Executive Eugenia Kuyda. “They talk […]

Why Self-Driving Cars are Still Unsafe?

Car production has been moving from petrol-based cars to electric vehicles with the main aim of fighting climate change by reducing CO2 emissions. The autopilot feature by Tesla in 2014 has been a notable improvement in advanced driver assistance systems taking the autonomy in cars to level 2 on the self-driving car scale out of […]

Disadvantages of AI in Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity and artificial intelligence (AI) are two very trending topics at the moment. AI has been the pivotal elements modifying business strategies, improving decision-making processes, and triggering automation in every industry in the world. The latest sentience debate is a clear indicator on serious and advanced AI is becoming nowadays. Cybersecurity is the other important […]

The Use of AI as a Biometric Age Verification Tool

The world of artificial intelligence (AI) hasn’t stopped surprising us. As AI algorithms are evolving towards the ultimate target of mimicking the learning process in the human brain, increasingly sophisticated applications are emerging. Lengthy procedures, complex operations, and data-intensive decision-making problems are gradually being replaced by AI-based automated paradigms that try to learn from the […]

Is There a Place for Ethos in the Future?

The technological evolution has been outpacing virtually any other field, most noticeably law and ethics. The alarming disparity between these different areas raises a question related to the uncontrollable effect the technological advances would have on the users themselves. Although ethics and ethos come from the same Greek root ēthikós which relates to morality and […]