
 Building Holistic Water Management Strategies  

In regions with limited financial resources, finding a balance between the necessity of customizing water management strategies and the need for standardization and cost-effectiveness can be a difficult task.  Water is a vital resource for life, but it is also a finite resource. As the global population continues to grow, the demand for water is […]

UK to Curb Big Tech 

On Tuesday, the UK government revealed its intention to create new legislation that would limit the ability of big tech like Amazon, Facebook, and Google to stifle competition within the digital marketplace.  The UK government’s proposed law aims to not only enhance consumer protection but also regulate big tech companies to prevent them from suppressing […]

3D Printing's Potential for Innovative Designs in Aerospace Industry 

Over the past decade, 3D printing has emerged as a revolutionary technology that has disrupted various industries, including the aerospace industry. 3D printing, also known as additive manufacturing, is a process that involves creating three-dimensional objects by adding materials layer by layer. This technology has transformed the way aerospace manufacturers design and produce parts, leading […]

Factbox-Governments’ Efforts to Regulate AI Tools

Rapid advances in artificial intelligence (AI) such as Microsoft-backed OpenAI’s ChatGPT are complicating governments’ efforts to agree on laws governing the use of the technology. Here are the latest steps national and international governing bodies are taking to regulate AI tools: AUSTRALIA * Seeking input on regulations The government requested advice on how to respond […]

Huawei Launches In-House Software System after Being Cut Off from US Services

China’s Huawei Technologies said on Thursday it is replacing internal software management systems it once sourced from U.S. vendors with its own in-house version, hailing it as a victory over U.S. curbs that once threatened its survival. Huawei held an internal ceremony to celebrate the switch to its own ‘MetaERP’ (enterprise resource planning system) in […]

The USA Is Crashing China’s African Expedition

China is building foundations in Africa for almost 50 years now. More than a decade after China began extending its economic and political relations with countries throughout the continent, the Biden administration is pushing hard for American corporations to invest in Africa despite their challenges.   China Is Clearly a Bigger Economic Player in Africa  China […]