
Can USDT and UST have the Same Fate?

Following the Terra Luna (UST) crash that shook the crypto market to its core, many investors were rightly afraid that their other crypto assets would follow suit. This fear is partly what led to the crypto market having its worst crash since 2020. That fear is multiplied tenfold when talking about USDT (Tether). One major […]

Cryptoverse: The Early Birds Betting Bitcoin's Bottoming Out

As the crypto winter creeps into June, the first signs of a thaw are emerging. Some investors are now betting that bitcoin is bottoming out, judging by the money heading into listed cryptocurrency funds, which represent just a slice of the market yet are popular among institutional and retail players alike. Overall flows into such […]

Asian Wealth Managers Seen Wary of Digital Assets Despite Soaring Demand

Wealth managers in Asia are holding back from offering digital assets to investors despite soaring demand due to a lack of understanding of these assets, according to an industry survey by consulting firm Accenture published on Monday. Global banks have been cautiously moving into crypto for several years, some building it within existing operations and […]

Regulating Crypto Assets Would Protect 'the rest of us': Fed's Waller

Better regulation of the fast-growing world of crypto assets is needed not to keep rich people from losing money but for the sake of everyone else, Federal Reserve Governor Christopher Waller said on Friday. “The main issue in crypto-asset regulation isn’t how to protect sophisticated crypto-investors; it’s how to protect the rest of us,” Waller […]

How Facebook’s Cryptocurrency Venture Fell to its Demise

Surely, we all remember that one time when Facebook tried to enter the cryptocurrency world to expand its influence into the decentralized universe of cryptocurrency and blockchain. But those familiar with Facebook’s cryptocurrency venture also know that the dream did not even come close to fruition. Why? Let’s just start by saying many factors led […]

Top 5 Blockchain Projects in the Telecom Sector

The rise of blockchain technology will inevitably transform and disrupt many industries. It has laid the foundation for major advancements and innovations in communications and data technology, chief among them, the telecoms industry. In this article, we take a look at some use cases for blockchain in telecoms and home in on the most promising […]

Britain Proposes Safety Net Against Failing Stablecoins

Britain’s finance ministry set out plans on Tuesday for adapting existing rules to deal for any major stablecoin collapses, such as with TerraUSD this month. It is the latest sign of how regulators are trying to catch up with fast-moving developments in crypto markets which straddle national borders. “Since the initial commitment to regulate certain […]

Binance Registers with Italy's Regulator Amid Plans to Expand in Europe

Binance said on Friday its legal entity in Italy had registered with the regulator in the country, as the major cryptocurrency exchange seeks to gain traction in Europe. The registration of Binance Italy, which was established in recent months, could potentially make the company more accountable and reduce the prospects for money laundering. Binance said […]

Russia Mulls Allowing Cryptocurrency for International Payments - Ifax

Russia is considering allowing cryptocurrency to be used for international payments, Interfax news agency quoted a government official as saying on Friday. “The idea of using digital currencies in transactions for international settlements is being actively discussed,” Ivan Chebeskov, head of the finance ministry’s financial policy department, was quoted as saying. Russian officials are wrestling […]