Disney Plus

Disney Shares Drop as Streaming Costs Drag on Earnings

Walt Disney Co missed Wall Street earnings forecasts on Tuesday as the entertainment giant racked up more losses from its push into streaming video, sending its shares tumbling 9 percent. The company gained more streaming customers than analysts had expected from July through September, but media investors have increasingly focused on profits over streaming subscription […]

The Current State of the Netflix Net Worth

In California, Netflix was created in 1997 by Reed Hastings and Marc Randolph. In what seems like a relic of the past, Netflix first started as a service offering DVDs sent to your home via mailbox. You watch the movie or show you ordered, then mail it back. In 2007, Netflix switched to streaming, a […]

Rising Netflix Competitors: Can the Throne be Saved?

The renowned streaming platform, Netflix, has been undeniably successful in the past decade, conquering the market in a landslide. However, times are changing, and Netflix competitors are on a rapid rise. Gaining the title of king is one thing, but keeping it is a whole other game. What should Netflix do to remain a leader […]