Facebook and WhatsApp are currently testing two separate new updates, that will look to make both platforms a safer space for people to network, while the latter focuses more on its video-sharing quality. WhatsApp Messenger, a subsidiary of Facebook since 2014, is developing a new feature allowing users to control the quality of videos sent […]
If you’re a gamer, then it’s a great time to be alive with all the new releases happening on almost every gaming platform; and this has been outlined by Newzoo’s new global games market report for 2021. Powered by just under 3.0 billion gamers, the global games market will generate $175.8 billion via consumer spending in 2021, representing a […]
Content is king — if you can find it. As streaming services proliferate, it’s becoming more of a challenge to track down your favorite TV shows and blockbuster movies when streaming services can change up their offerings every month. That’s complicating life for those who know what they want to watch, but just don’t know […]
Tim Berners-Lee, the creator of the internet’s source code is auctioning an autographed copy of the source code of the World Wide Web with donations proceeding to charity in $5 million in non-fungible tokens sale (NFT). The sale will offer an immense opportunity to have ownership over a remarkable piece of history that led to […]
Google will provide its Android users with a protected approach to store and access COVID vaccination on their devices by means of digital vaccine cards supporting the storage of COVID test results, the company said in a blog post. COVID cards released by Google are a more engaging way to save boarding passes, loyalty programs, […]
Search giant Google is looking to clamp down on online financial fraud ads in the U.K. by the end of August, as its mentioned in a blog post. Any financial company that aims to promote its services must be authorized by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). Ronan Harris director of the company in U.K. and […]
Earlier on June 7, Apple announced its new software, iOS 15, a powerful update with extensive features to enhance and optimize users iPhone experience and privacy. iOS 15 will give users the opportunity to stay connected by linking experiences together in real time, while providing the needed tools to minimize distraction and enhance concentration. Introducing […]
Instagram is no longer a square photo-sharing app, the company’s head Adam Mosseri said, as the application is looking to undergo profound changes via two features that have been announced, and another that was leaked. Mosseri highlighted this fact during a video he published on Wednesday on both his personal Instagram and Twitter accounts, noting […]
e-Commerce giant Amazon and popular video-sharing platform TikTok are looking to bolster their position regarding online child safety, as the pair look to kickoff separate measures for a more child-friendly. As such, Amazon announced on Wednesday the launch of a kid-friendly version of it’s Amazon Echo Dot, that will be available for purchase in the […]
Robinhood Financial will pay nearly $70 million to settle a wide range of allegations, including that it gave customers misleading information and improperly allowed some users to make riskier trades after they lied about their trading experience. The financial penalty is the largest ever ordered by the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, a non-governmental organization that […]