
The New “Apps by Apple” Promoting the Store of Apple

In June, Apple launched its Apps by Apple website to promote its own apps, featuring six categories, and to differentiate them from third-party apps. The website features a collection of Apple’s homegrown apps, including Photos, Maps, Messages, and Notes. The apps are organized into six categories: Communication, Creative, Productivity, Explore, Fitness, and Games. The new […]

MOXIE: NASA’s New Oxygen on Mars

In April 2021 and for the first time, NASA managed to produce oxygen on Mars. The Mars Oxygen In-situ Resource Utilization Experiment (MOXIE), “microwave-oven-size device”- as NASA described, generated oxygen for the 16th and final time aboard NASA’s Perseverance rover. “MOXIE’s impressive performance shows that it is feasible to extract oxygen from Mars’ atmosphere – […]

Embryos In Space to Push the Race

At a time when assorted billionaires are tirelessly reaching to the stars in pursue of taking humanity’s colonization to another level, space tourism on Mars and Venus, a human-occupied space station in lunar orbit is in the making. NASA, joined by the Canadian, Japanese, and European space agencies are advancing the Gateway program, a project […]

Meta Deletes Facebook News Tab in Europe

On September 5th, Meta announced that it would be deleting the Facebook News tab in the UK, France, and Germany in early December. Meta’s move towards deprecation is driven by several factors. According to the company, “News makes up less than 3% of what people around the world see in their Facebook feed.” This implies […]