
Latin America’s growing mobile and tech ecosystem

By 2023, mobile’s contribution to the Latin American economy will reach just over $300 billion as countries increasingly benefit from the continued uptake of mobile services and the associated improvements in productivity and efficiency. Latin America’s growing mobile and tech ecosystem is providing support to the wave of innovation and initiative dominating the region. IoT […]

The 3 most commonly believed tech myths - busted!

The amazing research team at have taken a look at the world of tech ‘mythsteries,’ just to see what false facts the public really believes. In order to do so, they created a master list of well-known tech nonsense as well as some things that may have been true at some point, but are not […]

Mobile education & transforming the learning experience

‘Mobile education’ occurs when a student utilizes portable devices like smart phones, tablets, netbooks or handheld gaming devices, to access learning materials and systems, create content and connect with other students, teachers, learning systems and their environment. Mobile devices mean that education and learning can happen at any time and any place at a speed […]

The benefits of technology neutral spectrum licenses

What is technology neutral spectrum licensing? The GSMA defines as below: Technology neutral spectrum licensing is widely recognized as best practice when assigning spectrum to mobile operators. It enables mobile operators to refarm spectrum used for GSM (2G) or 3G to 4G and 5G at a pace that’s driven by market demand. This maximizes spectral […]

Blockchain technology and what it means for operators in 2020

Blockchain technology has revolutionized the internet, enabling digital information to be distributed but not copied – a digital ledger of economic transactions and a fundamental technology behind cryptocurrencies. However, blockchain provides a mechanism to apply a decentralized consensus for a wide variety of other applications. Based on increasing online traffic, it is becoming essential for […]

Advancing tech trends to empower the Entrepreneur

The world has changed, and the wonderful and ambitious era of tech has arrived. Its progress is increasing rapidly and if you keep up-to-date, you will see that blockchain, deep learning, neural networks, robotics, AR and smart AI-assistants can empower an individual’s professional aspirations. There is a fresher and more innovative tech solution, to replace old-fashioned […]

Professional personal branding in the digital space

Whilst researching for this article, I find myself going through my LinkedIn network, searching for inspiration among the hit and miss of profile pics. To my immediate relief, I’m not disappointed, there are some shockers out there (mentioning no names). It’s a never-ending world of shocking too, ranging from the badly pixelated, to the simply […]

Preparing for digital transformation of the workplace

The 20th century office space is non-existent. Hand completed tasks and standing at the photocopier are now images of a previous era. The future of our office is now in the digital world. In July 2019, Amazon announced its plans to spend $700 million to train 100,000 workers in the US by 2025 and support […]

Lightning Connection - Is it all it’s cracked up to be?

The European Parliament had a hearing which discussed a measure that would ensure smartphone manufacturers produced a common and standardized charger for all mobile devices that were sold in the European Union. This includes: Smartphones, tablets, eBooks and digital cameras. Three connectors are currently in common use: USB 2.0 Micro B (otherwise known as the […]